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///So yeah this chapter is a HUGE thank you to all of you guys for all all the support on this book and the other book and thank you all SO MUCH for 200 votes and 7K views :0 I'm shO0k and thank your for 3 requests! Yeah it might not seem like much but I'm really grateful because of how much I saw this book grow. I still remember how I cried over 100 views and I never expected 7K AND I LOVE YOU ALL I SPREAD ALL OF MY LOVE TOO ALL OF YOU READING AHDJSKXNSK I LOVE YOU ALL\\\


Okay I have calmed down
Here I present

'Your first kiss/your most memorable kiss!'
But the scenario is a bunch of lil one shots! Cuz I love y'all
And this is all really cute oomF

Johnny stops beside me at my front door and rubs the back of his neck as he looks down at me, his hair still messy from giving me a piggy back ride earlier "thanks for today, it was a lot of fun honestly. your a pretty chill dude" I say looking up to him grinning and hitting his fore arm jokingly, pretending to be Mark whom we were both joking about earlier.
"Yeah, it was pretty fun" he says back at me shoving his hands in his jacket pockets and looking at me in the eyes grinning like an idiot, not being able to hold back his giddy smile ,
"Hmm yea...we should do it again sometime" I say taking a step towards him and tilting my head further up so our noses are barely touching "yeah we should" as he says that he closes his eyes and leans in for a slow romantic kiss gently lacing his arms around my waist while I wrap my hands across his neck as our lips move gently in sync, he doesn't seem to have much experience kissing so he's kissing me like if he kissed too hard I'd shatter,
We break away from the kiss cursing our need for oxygen and rest our foreheads against one another's, his smile which he couldn't hold down earlier was replaced with a look of vulnerability "Do you think this'll work out? Sm gives me a lot of schedules" he says pecking my lips noticeably worried "Hey" i break from our hug a put my hands on his cheeks, slightly bending him down to look at me in the eyes "Don't worry, we got this" I say as we just laugh and fist bump "hmm your lips are really soft" he says and hugs me close.

//Cliche as Fuc but it seemed like something he'd do tbh
(sorry for swearing but i Die I don't know who my bias is anymore)//

//Cliche as Fuc but it seemed like something he'd do tbh(sorry for swearing but i Die I don't know who my bias is anymore)//

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\\I love him so much what is a bias.//

I shift onto Taeil moving to be more comfortable laying on his chest, as this is just our second date, our plans had to be canceled because of the cold weather so we both just decided to cuddle and watch some funny movies, Taeil and I both let out a laugh at a small joke at the same time, I look back at Taeil and he just lets out a bright smile when he notices me looking at him, "Hi" He says turning away from the laptop to lie down and look at me "Annyong" I reply back, he pulls me in by the waist as I sling my legs over his to pull our bodies closer "it's still really cold out" I say to him looking towards the window behind him, seeing how it's starting to rain "Ne, it still is" he says back pulling me upwards so his head rests under my chin as I tangle my hands in his hair pulling at the soft edges gently "hey Y/N-ssi" he pulls away a bit from the embrace "yes?" I look down at him "I love you" he goes in for a peck on my lips "I love you too" we go back to our position as it was before "that was our first kiss huh" I say not looking at him focused on the window "yeah, I guess it was" and we direct our attention back to the movie while the sound of rain plays on in the background

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