DanMo dark

698 26 3

Ong Seungwoo btw


"I missed you" I whispered to her ear and pinned her to the wall even more. "Daniel, we we're just talking earlier" she chuckled with her ever sweet voice and looked at me with her brown orbs. "Can't I miss the Peach of my life?" I played with her hair while intently looking at her eyes. She just came back from the stage and you could see the joy in her eyes from performing infront of the crowd.

"I missed you too" she pinched my cheeks and planted a kiss on my nose. Taken aback, I stepped back and touched the place her soft sweet lips were on just now. She gets me everytime..

She always gets me with her kiss whenever I plan on doing something. By something, I mean a heart to heart conversation.

It's hard to date a girl who is famous for her good figure, talent and visuals. Knowing that there's a lot of guys out there also dreaming of her, I know I'm in a challenge. She got me possessive of her. It's like, one wrong move and I could lose this precious gem infront of me.

"Momo, stop teasing me" I pulled her into a hug and planted kisses on her hair. "Wah~ Never take advantage of your heigh, Kang Daniel!" She tried to get off my embrace but unfortunately, I'm strong enough to keep her close.

"I'm melting" she murmured. I checked on her face and saw her blush beet red. "Do you wanna get some ice cream?" I twirled her over and hugged her even closer. She burried her face on my chest and I could tell she can feel my heart skipping beats because of her.

"I've been craving for ice cream since the last time we were on a date". "So shall we get some?" I smiled at her and she covered her face even more. She's adorable...

"Daniel, the other MC is waiting for you" a tall figure emerged from the curtain and revealed Seungwoo who looked annoyed and bitter as ever. "Right now? But the directors said she can do it alone" mad, my brows furrowed and I glared at Seungwoo's words. THE OTHER MC's PA has the shots for me. I told her she should step back and watch her self but damn she's a push over.

That PA must be the one calling me and not the MC. I don't want to get in trouble and cause a misunderstanding between me and Momo... Heck I don't even want to be included in any mess!

"It's ok, we can go eat ice cream next time" Momo looked at me with reassurance and I saw Seungwoo roll his eyes in displease. He's not a fan of our relationship but he keeps silent of it anyways. "But I really want to spend time with you" I gave her a pleading look and brushed her bangs away from her eyes. She smiled at me so sweetly and gave me a peck on my cheeks.

"We can always do that later" she grinned at me as if saying she's fine with it. She always is. Whenever a member disturbs us, she's fine with it, whenever our manager stops us, she'll even apologize for it. It's too much..

"Yah! Unnie must be waiting for you, go and talk to her" she gently pushed me away from our hug and patted my head with a smile. "I'll see you later?". I just stared at her thinking of how I should respond. She's so kind. Too kind, even. How did I get so lucky to have this precious gem mine?

"Hey, Fairy, you're fellow members are waiting for you too" we all turned our head at the impatient Seungwoo who remained standing near the curtain.

"You're friend is really nice sometimes" she giggled before turning her heels to leave the room. "Momo" I grabbed her hand and kissed her cheek before she could even take a step out. I don't know why but I've been craving for her love since the program started.. I've been so busy with being the mc I didn't even bave time to enjoy the day with her.

"I love you" I stared at her eyes and held her hand waiting for her to answer back. She smiled then blew a cute flying kiss at me. "I love you too. Now go talk to Unnie before she gets in trouble" and with that, she left.

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