Chapter 9

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I opened it and it was paper documents and pictures.

Wrecked car, birth certificates, and pictures of the person i thought was already gone. My hands were shaking as I read the document.

"Louisse Llain Gonzalez, born October 22,1994 in Manchester, England. They moved in Mullingar, Ireland when she was 16years old. She and her family met a tradic car accident when she was 17years old, November 14, 2011.

Her parents died and she was left alive but got an anterograde amnesia. She can't remember what happened in the year 2010 to 2012. She live alone today in London, England. Studying Business Management in Oxford University. She is the girlfriend of Harry Styles of One Direction, the famous british boyband in the world today.

She uses "Louisse Gonzalez" as her name today. She dont use her second name anymore because she was used to have only her first name."

I almost lost my breath when I finished reading it. But they forgot something. They didnt got to traced it.

Why the hell I didnt noticed it? She had a blonde hair before. She was smaller than me before! But that was 3yrs ago. She gained weight and become a more matured woman.

Why the hell I didnt knew it from the start!? Holy Crap!



I tried to hide it, pretended I didnt care about it. Louisse can not remember me anymore so why bother right? I just need to go on and what Llain and me had was already done.

I was scrumbling on my things that day, trying to find that bracelet. I searched on the drawers, closets and under the bed covers but I found nothing.

I ruffled my hair as I sat on my bed. Where did I left it? Argh!

Im still hanged when someone knocks and Zayn popped his head on the door.

"Ei Zayn, wazzup?" I asked, trying to calm myself.

He walks in and sat beside me in my bed. "Are you looking for something?" He asked.

I was dumbfounded, I dont know how he knows that Im looking for something. "Well, yeah. I am. How did you know?" I said then looking at my scrumbled things in my room.

He took out something from his pocket. "I think this is yours mate." He said gesturing the bracelet in his right arm. My face lit up, and i blown out a sigh of relief. "How did you get that?" I asked as he hand me the bracelet. I took it and place inside my drawer.

"Remember the time when you picked Jen at the Airport?" he began. I noded.

"Well, I was going out then when I saw something on the pavement beside the mailbox. I picked it up and I thought it was Lou's but when I was about to ask her, I saw her hand wearing the same bracelet. I backed off, I know none of them owns this but you, coz your the only one who went out that day and stopped at the mailbox. Liam saw you. So I know thats yours." He narrated.

As I looked at him, I know he would ask the question my mind was rambling about.

"I remember Harry holding the same bracelet like yours which was Lou's, I told him I have seen that before in someone's hand. But I cant remember who then I saw the initials... Now I know who was that." he said.

My face started to flushed its natural color. "Tell me the truth mate, Is it Lou, the girl in your past that you're longing for so long?" he asked me intently as his voice shaken my whole system. I know I cant deny the truth to him anymore.

"Y-yes." Is my only answer. His jaws dropped. "B-but how did that she didnt even recognize you?" he asked holding his head with his both hands.

Right there, I told him everything. All the information I had found out, I let it out on him. He just listen to me, rubbing my back while Im crying with so much pain.

"Its okay mate, there's a purpose why'd that all happened." he said.

I was watching while eating popcorn at the lounge room when Lou sitted beside me.

"Hey, Can I join?" she said smiling then grab some popcorn in the bowl.

"Y-yeah sure." I said and tried to tell myself not to worry like she could even remember me.

"So how are you?" she asked still have her eyes on the tv.

I glanced at her then turned my head back to the movie. "Hmm. im ok... how about yah?" I asked her.

"Better than fine. So when is Jenny comin?"

"Nextweek." I said wishing she wont notice anything like Im avoiding to have a long conversation with her.

"Hmm... you're weird." she said after a silence. I looked at her like Im wondering but there it was, I was dumbfounded.

"Why weird?" I asked.

"You seem so quiet today, are you sick?" she said, looking at me innocently.

There, her bluish-gray eyes that reminds me of so many memories. The way she looks at me reminds me the guilt I have through all these years. Those eyes that makes me regret until now.

I took my sight away from her. "I-im okay Lou... Hey can I ask you something?" I said waiting for her response.

She turned and faced me with a serious expression. "What is it?" she said, her attention is now focused on me.

"W-what happened to you 2 yrs ago?" I said nervously.


Her face was shocked but manage to answer me. She let out a big sigh. "I met an accident, me and my parents. They died immediately and I survived. I wake up in the hospital without remembering what happened in year 2010-2012. And I have this." she held her left hand up wearing the bracelet.

Im expecting her to do that, and I did not trembled. I had sleepless nights thinking on how to ask her about her past.

"C-cant you remember anything? about me" I said whispering.

"Huh? you're sayin' anything Niall?"

"Uh I said cant you remember anything yet? Not even a single scene?"

She shook her head. "I cant its so hard. When I try to do it, it gets more complicated."

I hold her hand and squeezed it lightly. "What would you do when you found the person who gave that? What would you do when your memory gets back?" I asked desperately.

She was stunned. "I-i dont know coz maybe that person would be the missing puzzle and the answer of all my questions but if my memory did not came back... its useless." she answered.

I can see fears in her eyes. "What if---" I was about to ask her but Harry when to get her.

"Hey you're here! I thought you went out again." he said as he walk inside while smiling.

Lou got up and leaned on him for a kiss. I look away pretending to look for something.

"We were watching a movie babe so why are you looking for me? Missed me?" she asked and winked then hug him.

"Hmm,maybe?" he teased then she pouted. He ruffled her hair "We'll be going to west side of London. So Im going to snatch my girlfriend now buddy." he said then winked on her.

"Niall, Im goin now. Thanks for having me here." she said.

I smiled "Oh no worries Lou, hey you take care of her curly. Drive safely and use protection." I said laughing.

Harry grinned while Lou give me a middle finger. I just laughed. Then they went out.



revelation carrots :)


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