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Life is to short to spend it
at war with yourself.

Stärke hat es nicht nötig,
Schwäche auszunutzen.

"I babysat this six year old, and I was wearing shorts today...
and my scares were showing, I guess. He poked them and said: "I know how those got there" I replied, "How?" He looked at me with a straight face and he said, "I've seen them before. My big sister them, and she said mean people put them on your body when they weren't nice to you, because when people are mean to you, you end up being mean at yourself. My big sister went away. I don't know where she went. Mommy said she's on a happy vacation somewhere, because she was too sad here. I miss her.
Don't go to an vacation, please"

(That quote made me cry)

Vielleicht werdet ihr sehen wie ich falle, aber niemals wie ich aufgebe.

Dear me, one day
I'll make you proud.

STAY STRONG LITTLE FIGHTERS ♡Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt