Chapter 4: The bully

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Blitz,(*Author mode)- What's up guys? I'm back, with another chapter for RWBY for you fans out there. Now, I know you all have questions, like why does Ozpin have a fighting arena under his office? Why does Sorota have a dragon tattoo on his right cheek? And why does Nora keep thinking about... pancakes?!?! Find out, right now, in this chapter.(Also, I'll try my best to keep the lines as acrrute from the episodes as possible, enjoy!)

?????- Yes! Yes! Prior to the faunus rights revolution, known better as the faunus war, human kind was quite, quiet adament about controlling Faunus population in Menagerie.

(A guy with green hair, was running around the class at lightening speed.)

?????,(*talking really fast)- Now, have any of you been discrimnated or hated because of your faunus heritage?

(One person in the back raised their hand, while Wolf and Velvet raised their hands too.)

?????- Dreadful! Very dreadful!(*Sips coffee) Just look at the White fang! Now, which one of you can tell me, what happened in the third year of the war, that made the faunus win?

Weiss,(*Raises hand)- The battle at fort castle.

?????- Exactly!(*Runs back to desk)- And, who can tell me how the faunus had an advantage over General Lagune's troops?

Jaune-(*Sleeping, snoring)

Cardin-(*Throws paper ball at Jaune)

Jaune-Huh?(*Wakes up and raises hand by accident)

?????,(*talking really fast)- Mr. Arc! Can you explain to the class why the faunus won, instead of the humans?

Jaune- Um...

?????- Well?

(Jaune looks at Pyrrha, where she's doing some hand motions to help Jaune.)

Jaune,(*Slowly)- Well, Mr. Oobleck... they won by...(*Looks at Pyrrha)

Pyrrha-(*Pointing at eyes)

Jaune- Using Binoculars!

(Everyone in the classroom was laughing, besides Pyrrha.)

Pyrrha-(*Face palm)

Mr. Oobleck,(*Annoyed)- Thank you, Mr. Arc. 

Cardin-(*Still laughing)

(Mr. Oobleck ran to his desk, and asked Cardin for the answer.)

Mr. Oobleck,(*Talking really fast)- And you. Mr. Winchester. How did the faunus win the battle?

Cardin- Well, it's much eaiser to train beasts than humans.

Pyrrha,(*Talking to Cardin)- Your not the wisest when it comes to individuals, Cardin.

Cardin- So what? You got a problem?

Pyrrha- No, but I do have a better answer than that. Night Vision. Many Faunus are known to have better vision, in the dark

Blake- General Lagune mistaken the faunus, by ambushing them in their sleep. His armys were destroyed, and he, himself, was captured.

Mr. Oobleck-(*Sips coffee)

Blake,(*Looks at Cardin, stern voice)- If he would of paid attention in class more, he wouldn't be known, as a failure.

Cardin-(*Grunts, get's up)

Mr. Oobleck- Mr. Winchester, please seat down.

Cardin-(*Sits down, angry grunt)

Jaune-(*Starts snickering)

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