The Ending: Part 4 - Finally Over

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"Water... Earth... Fire... Air..." Katara voices over as the benders demonstrate as she talks. "My grandmother used to tell me stories about the old days, a time of peace when the Avatar kept the balance between the Water Tribes, Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation, and Air Nomads. But that all changed when the Fire Nation attacked." It journeys into the map showing the world and closes in on a bender displaying all the elements. "Only the Avatar mastered all four elements. Only he could stop the ruthless firebenders. But when the world needed him most, he vanished." He disappears from sight. "A hundred years have passed and the Fire Nation is nearing victory in the war. Two years ago, my father and the men of my tribe journeyed to the Earth Kingdom to help fight against the Fire Nation, leaving me and my brother to look after our tribe." It shows the Water Tribe men on their boats and Katara hugging her older brother Sokka holding up a lantern. "Some people believe that the Avatar was never reborn into the Air Nomads and that the cycle is broken, but I haven't lost hope. I still believe that somehow the Avatar will return to save the world."

The Ending: Part 4 - Finally Over

In the barren land that was once ocean but had dried up after Ozai's attack with Aang's rock ball as Ozai sends curved fire blasts towards it with his right then left hand then sends a straight fire blast towards the ball. Aang perspiring inside the ball as he struggles to hold it together as tiny rock pieces fall on impact with Ozai's blasts. "Come on out Avatar, you can't hide in there forever!" Ozai shouts as Aang cringes inside the rock ball as it shakes and trembles, Ozai sends a strong, continuous stream of fire towards the rock ball.

The airships in the air as lone Firebenders continues to send torrents of flame towards the ground, some of the airships Sokka had sabotaged earlier are smoking and steadily descending. Sokka runs grabbing Toph's hand as she runs with all her might behind him on the roof of the airship, material from the ship's envelope fly around them in tiny red pieces. "Toph, Metalbend the rudder so it's jammed in the turning position. The ship will spiral and slam into the others." Sokka orders her looking around them.

"Got it." Toph agrees, then places her hands on Sokka's shoulders moving him out of the way then spits on to her hands letting out a battle cry as she slams her hands on the rudder, pulling the metal sheet back steadily. The ship's rudder slowly turns throwing the airship to the side changing the course, the airship slowly turns hitting into the neighbouring ship, the airship tears through the neighbouring airship as the roof of the airship passes and Sokka and Toph balance themselves from the impact.

"Have I ever mentioned how sweet it is that you invented Metalbending?" Sokka questions her surprised and joyful.

"You could stand to mention it more," Toph tells him as another airship shoots flames towards the ground and the flames dissipate as the sabotaged airship slams into it. On the roof of the airship a trapdoor opens to reveal an elite Firebender, Sokka and Toph notice the intrusion, Sokka grabs Toph's hand, narrowly missing a strong fire blast. The long and unwavering blast changes angles as Toph and Sokka struggle to get out of the path of the oncoming fire.

The airship's envelope as Toph and Sokka jump off, he unsheathes his sword as he does so, the sword digs into the side of the airship's envelope sparks fly due to the friction but the sword slows their descent somewhat. Sokka looks at his sword with fear as Toph screams, he looks down seeing the ground far below them.

The sword doesn't make contact with the envelope and both of them are thrown off the airship's surface, Sokka loses his hold on the sword and Sokka lands on a wrench-shaped platform with a loud groan while Toph falls through the u-shaped portion of the platform. Sokka still holds onto her but she slowly slips down as Sokka's left leg is bent at an awkward angle with his sword punctured vertically into the balance beam near his legs. "My leg!" Sokka grimaces as he looks through the u-shaped opening down at Toph. "Hang on Toph!" He shouts down at her.

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