Raw Power

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  It was another night in Star City for Green Arrow and Black Canary. Oliver looked out at the city and just stares for a few seconds. Wondering what's grabbing her boyfriend's attention, Dinah asked him, "What're you looking at?" and Oliver answered, "Just the city. It can be so pretty with a view like this." and Dinah nods as she rested her head on Oliver's shoulder. Oliver spotted criminal activity about half a mile away and the two heroes went in as Green Arrow and Black Canary. 

  Finally getting to the abandoned warehouse, they saw five criminals doing an illegal drug deal and they are equipped with guns. Dinah got a closer look and sees that the drug is Vertigo. Dinah told Oliver, "This could lead us to where the Count is." and Oliver agreed. Seeing the perfect opportunity, Green Arrow began shooting his arrows at the criminals. He managed to shoot three of them before the remaining two criminals began firing upon the duo. Oliver said, "Chirp, chirp." and Dinah lets out her Canary Cry at the remaining two criminals. One of them was still conscious and Green Arrow demanded to know where Count Vertigo was but then a voice said, "I'm right here!" and the Count revealed himself. Oliver noticed a Belt Buckle that the Count had that glowed a pale blue color. Count Vertigo said, "I have a special surprise just for you!" and he unleashed a psychedelic blast of energy at Oliver which induced excruciating pain into his system. His vision began to blur, his hearing becoming muffled, and he began to see Dinah kicking him around instead of the Count. Black Canary tried to intervene but Count Vertigo had a gun and she had to take cover in order not to get shot. When the situation looked bleak, Dinah heard lightning and the Flash suddenly sped into the area and knocked the Count into submission. 

  The Flash saw that Oliver was in an extreme amount of pain and quickly asked Black Canary, "What should I do?" and she answered, "He can't go to the hospital. Take me and him to the Arrowcave and I'll get the Lian Yu herbs that he uses for situations like this." Oliver continued to squirm and yell out in pain as the Flash ran to the Arrowcave with the two. Flash remembers that he forgot the Belt Buckle and ran back to the site and picked it up. Just when he picked it up, he felt a sudden boost of energy and power. His mind was slightly altered as well. It felt good. He tried running back to the Arrowcave but he accidently runs through a collection of walls and windows, not knowing about the newfound power that comes with this part of the Belt of Power. He tries again and again to get to the cave as he steadily adjusts to this new speed. After around three minutes, more like hours for the Flash, he finally gets a handle on his new speed and gets the Belt Buckle to the cave. 

  Barry finds Oliver resting soundly and John Diggle astounded by his speed. Dinah asked him,"What was the hold up?" and Barry said in an annoyed tone, "I was out trying to adjust to this new and faster speed, Dinah!" Dinah told him, "Woah, calm down." but Barry shouted back, "NO, YOU CALM DOWN! EVER SINCE I PICKED UP THIS STUPID BUCKLE, I'VE BEEN TRYING TO ADJUST TO THIS SPEED FOR HOURS ON END! SHUT THE HELL UP!" Diggle was now surprised by Barry's absolutely horrendous attitude and said "Damn..." Barry soon realized his despicable behavior and quickly dropped the glowing Belt Buckle on the table. He lost some of his power and speed but also felt his mind being restored back to normal. Feeling very bad, Barry apologized saying, "Oh my god, I'm really sorry about that. That was the Belt." Dinah accepted the apology and then Diggle asked, "So what is this... belt? Is it some kind of combat enhancer tech?" and Barry explained the capabilities of the Belt separated and joined together. 

  Meanwhile, a convoy of armed vehicles ship the Belt Linen part of the Belt of Power through Washington D.C. Just then, one of the vehicles gets totaled by a stray grenade as Deathstroke and a team of mercenaries combat the armed forces of the convoy. Deathstroke sliced through three soldiers with his sword and shot two others while using one dead soldier as a human shield. The last soldier begged for mercy but Deathstroke shot him in the head. With the armed convoy dealt with, Deathstroke used his specially-made power glove to break into the main vehicle that had the Belt Linen. Slade looked at it and uttered, "Perfect." 

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