Showdown in D.C.

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    In the Arrowcave, Flash got a call from Aquaman and he said, "I've found out a way to put an end to this Belt of Power madness. Meet me at Coast City in a minute." and the call ended. Oliver has now fully recovered from his pain from Count Vertigo's attacks and asked Barry, "What's up?" Dinah was happy to see Oliver recover from his pain and gave him a little kiss on the cheek. Barry answered, "Duty calls. We may finally have a way to end the Belt of Power craze that has been going on lately. I'll catch up with you guys in a little bit." and the Flash sped off with the Belt Buckle in a case. "I don't think I'll ever get used to how he just does that." John Diggle commented. 

    Batman urged Superman to fly into space with the remaining energy that he had so that he could regain his strength. As Superman attempted to do this, he got knocked out of the air by Lex. Batman and Wonder Woman both went after Lex while the two Green Lanterns went after the enhanced Sinestro. Hal used the same technique that he did back on the ship and chained Sinestro up while letting Stewart do the smashing. While it got in some pretty good hits, it wasn't nearly as effective as it was before. Sinestro bursted out of the chains and said, "Using the same moves again and again? Come on, you're better than that." and he brushed aside the two Green Lanterns aside with a bulldozer. Batman and Wonder Woman attempt to attack Luthor's exosuit but Lex uses the suit's force field to block their attacks. Lex proceeds to attack Batman and disable his suit. Even with the durability of the Augmentation Suit, it would not last much longer against the might of Luthor's suit. Superman used his heat vision which distracted Lex long enough for Batman to disable his force field system via an EMP batarang. Wonder Woman went in for a kick and knocked Lex off of his feet. Superman saw the opportunity to fly into space and took it as soon as he could. Sinestro noticed this and tried to pursue him. However, the two Green Lanterns prevented him from doing so by creating a series of constructs to hinder him as much as possible. 

    The Flash zoomed through Coast City until he found Aquaman. Aquaman asked him, "What was that all about?" Barry looked puzzled and replied, "What was what all about?" "You speeding around the cit-you know what, nevermind. I wanted to meet up with you here because this is where I was closest to after my exploit with finding... this." Arthur showed Barry the Orb of Depowerment and Barry looked in wonder and said, "Wow, so this is the item that will inhibit the Belt of Power's influence." and Aquaman responded "Yes." Right at that moment, a car explosion occured and a mysterious figure quickly teleported near a distracted Aquaman and stole the Orb before teleporting back out of there. The Flash hastily got everyone that was in close proximity of the explosion away to safety. Law enforcement soon arrived and the two superheroes were on their way to D.C. to help out their friends. 

    Wonder Woman lassoed Luthor's warsuit while Batman systematically broke down and destroyed the suit, piece by piece. "Let me help with that." said a voice and the Flash showed up and disassembled Lex's suit while putting him in cuffs in the blink of an eye. Being brought by the Flash, Aquaman told Batman, "This is the key to finally ending this Belt of Power madness once and for all." He proceeded to show him the blank area of where the Orb was on his trident and Aquaman gasped. "It was right here! I-I had it!" Peek-A-Boo appeared to Barry's chagrin and guiltily said to the heroes, "I'm sorry guys. If I did not do this, he would've killed my boyfriend." and with that she vanished. Lex Luthor let out a great laughter and Sinestro shot a piercing arrow at Lex's cuffs to free him. The Flash chuckled, "I don't know what you're laughing about. You're surrounded and even with you having a piece of the Belt of Power, you're not getting through the three of us." Lex responded, "Check that container again." and Barry found that his piece of the Belt of Power was gone and was also in possession of Lex Luthor. With having two pieces of the Belt under his control, he received a tremendous increase in power. He effortlessly defeated Batman while the Flash and Lex entered into a long struggle that led them outside of D.C. 

    The two Green Lanterns were getting rundown by Sinestro simply because of his prolonged endurance. Hal Jordan said out loud, "Hurry Superman! We need your help!" and the two get thrown around by three wrecking balls that Sinestro is juggling. In space, Superman had finally healed from his impaled Kryptonite wound and he opened his eyes which were red with heat vision. He promptly flied back down to Earth and knocked Sinestro right out from the sky. He then toppled the evil Lantern through several uninhabitated buildings before he finished with a heat blast. Sinestro cracked a half-smile under the rubble and said, "Have you forgotten that my ring can produce Kryptonite radiation?" and Superman replied, "I'm well aware, but you have already lost if you think it's going to be that simple." and the two entered into a beam struggle between Superman's heat vision and Sinestro's Kryptonite-induced beam attack. Wonder Woman, however, kicked him in the head which effectively knocked him out cold. Superman relayed, "That'll work too." and the two met up with Batman and Aquaman. Batman said, "I'm down for the count for now. Superman and Wonder Woman can fly and survey the inner and outer D.C. area for Lex Luthor and the Flash. Aquaman, you stay here with me until Superman and Wonder Woman find Lex and Flash." Superman and Wonder Woman flew off in search of Lex and the Flash. 

    Flash is laying on the floor, trying to get up when he gets smacked down again by Lex. "You've lasted longer than anticipated but your super speed means nothing when you don't even have the strength to hurt me," and he kicks Barry right through a light post. Superman locates Lex Luthor and alerts Wonder Woman to the location. They both fly down with Superman landing a heavy blow on Lex which sends him back quite a few feet. Wiping the blood stain off, Lex chuckled, "Well, isn't this quite the predicament. Surrounded by Superman and Wonder Woman, what will I do? Oh, I know!" He pushed a makeshift button and a rumbling off in the distance is heard. Superman recognizes the sound of the monster to his horror and its revealed to be Doomsday! Wonder Woman said, "Not this guy again," and Doomsday proceeded to land a concussive hit on Superman. Lex Luthor took this chance to make his sneaky escape and grab the third and final piece of the Belt of Power. Barry went on comms and said, "Doomsday is back! A little help over here would be nice," and Batman responded, "Way ahead of you. Green Lanterns and Aquaman, go lend your support in taking down Doomsday before he hurts any more innocent lives. I'll be right behind you guys." Hal Jordan objected, "John is injured from the fight with Sinestro, so it'll be just me," Batman understood and the fight against Doomsday was on. 

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