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We arrived to the restaurant, Ethan and Grayson were already there and they were so cute and happy. But when they saw Marcus and Martinus their smile just flew away. I walked up to them and hug them both so at least they have a tiny smile on their face.

Sarah- "Nice to see you two again. So you probably know Marcus and Martinus, Crystal so I don't need to introduce them."

They shook their hands and they weren't very happy, if they could they would fight like dogs. I sat down between Ethan and Grayson and in front of us were Marcus, Martinus and Crystal.

Sarah- "Please try to be nice, it's my birthday."

I whispered to Ethan and Gray, they nod and I hoped something won't happen. The dinner was nice, I also had a cake and I cried like a baby because I was happy to celebrate with my loved one's, but then all happiness just went to the trash. Ethan, Gray, Marcus and Crystal started arguing about something.

Ethan- "I'm really fascinated how your parents could ever tried to give our mom money so she won't say something important."

Marcus- "Don't bring our mother into this."

Grayson- "And why not. She was the one who lied."

Crystal- "The one who was lying was your mother."

Ethan- "At least our mom was loyal and honest with us."

Marcus- "Oh so that's why you didn't know that Sarah is your sister for 16 years, but no, your mother was loyal."

Crystal- "I'm disgusted by your mother. She was hiding from you the truth."

Sarah- "Enough! If you two want to talk shit about our mother you can go the fuck out."

They looked over at me and they didn't regret what they said.

Sarah- "That's what I thought."

I took my coat and I run outside to my car. My hands were shaking, I was crying and I couldn't opened the door on the car.

Martinus- "Sarah wait!"

Sarah- "Why! So I can hear more shit you think about my mother? No thank you."

I opened the door finally, but he took my wrist and he pulled me closer to him.

Martinus- "I would never talk shit about your mother. And I mean never."

I looked at him and I hugged him crying more than I was.

Sarah- "Why they need to fight even at my birthday. And also what Marcus and Crystal said about my mom, I don't know how I'll handle this."

Martinus- "Sarah look at me. You're so strong and beautiful girl. You'll handle it, and I'll be there for you. Always."

Sarah- "Thanks Martinus. But I don't want to go back there."

Martinus- "Well then give me the keys."

Sarah- "Why?"

Martinus- "I'll take you somewhere."

I gave it to him and we sat into the car. We went trough the city and then we drove outside the city. On our way I was looking at the stars in the dark sky and it was beautiful, but I was still sad. Martinus noticed and he hold my hand.

Martinus- "Don't think about it. Try to clear your mind, trust me the place where we are going is as beautiful as you."

Sarah- "I'm not beautiful and you know that."

Martinus- "You are beautiful. I adore you so much, your smile, your eyes. When I look into them I get lost."

Sarah- "You should focus on the driving."

Martinus- "Why are you changing the subject?"

Sarah- "Because you have Crystal, and I have Marcus."

Martinus- "Sarah please don't change the subject. You don't deserve to have birthday like this. You're such a strong, beautiful, sweet and kind girl."

Sarah- "But how I am supposed to be happy. Everything is ruined. I am ruined."

Martinus- "Don't say that. Nothing is ruined, not even you.. Look at me. You deserve to be happy, you need to be strong.. And I'll be here for you always."

I hold his hand and I was looking at him while he was driving. It was dark but I could still see him, his lips were slightly apart, his eyes were getting puffed up. It hurts to see him like this.

Martinus- "We're here."

We drove to a beautiful cottage with a view on a lake. He went outside the car and he opened the door for me, I thank him and he took my hand and walked me to a bench under a tree and we sat down.

Martinus- "I always go here when I feel down. But then I look at the stars and I think about someone I love."

Sarah- "And who are you thinking about lately?"

Martinus- "It's not important."

Sarah- "I'm curious, please."

Martinus- "It's.. It's you."

Sarah- "Me?"

Martinus- "I've always liked you, but I never thought it can be this much."

Sarah- "But why are you with Crystal then."

Martinus- "Because I tried to forget my feelings but it's just worse. When she hurt you, I was really angry but I tried to be calm. Then Marcus called me he is coming for you, I was jealous but I was glad he took care of you. Even tho I wanted to be that one to take care of you. Even at high school, I sometimes looked at you, how focused you was. I didn't care if your hair were messy sometimes, or you was sad. I always liked you the way you are."

Sarah- "I.. I used to do the same. I always looked at you and the world around me just didn't existed. And I still feel the same. But this is just wrong, we're both in a relationship."

I stood up and I started walking towards the car when Martinus took my hand and pulled me very close to him. Then he put his hands on my cheeks and said.

Martinus- "Sarah please. I love you."

Hai. I was crying the whole chapter while writing this but that's not important.. Hope you'll like this chapter ❤

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