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Three of us arrived back to our house, I was still sobbing but I definitely calmed down. We went to sit down into the kitchen while I've made some tea. After the water was done boiling, I've poured it into our mugs and brought them to the kitchen table where Marcus and Martinus were discussing something. As I've put the mugs on the table I rubbed Martinus's back to calm him down because he looked stressed.

Martinus- "Leave us alone Sarah!"

He pushed the mugs down from the table and it almost landed on me, with anger he stood up, squeezed my wrist and pushed me away so I get away from him. As soon as he did that my eyes started watering and I've felt something I've never felt with Martinus. It was fear. My heart started beating faster because he didn't let go of my wrist. I tried to get out from his grip, Marcus was just sitting there, looking at us.

Sarah- "Let me go!"

Martinus- "The wedding is canceled."

Sarah- "What!? Why?!"

Martinus- "Tomorrow we're leaving go pack your things and don't make me more angry."

I was scared, I've never saw the look on his face. He looked cold, angry, without any emotions.

Sarah- "What happened to you?"

Martinus- "Shut up Sarah!"

Martinus- "No why are you angry? I thought you love me!"

Martinus- "Sarah stop!"

Sarah- "Why are you being mean to me?"

Martinus- "Enough!"

And with that he slapped my cheek, I tried to calm down because of my babies but I couldn't.

Martinus- "I-I am so sorry Sarah I didn't mean to do that."

He wanted to hug me, but I've pushed him away.

Sarah- "Hit me one more fucking time Martinus, one more fucking time and you won't see your babies ever again."

Martinus- "You won't do that."

Sarah- 'I wouldn't doubt that."

I went to our bedroom and I started packing my things for tomorrow, yes I am going with them even though Martinus hurted me. But in that moment when he slapped me something like broke inside my heart. I don't really know how to explain it, but it was like I started hating him and my love was slowly disappearing. I know that your feelings can't disappear when you strongly love someone but it actually can happen. I've never seen him so aggressive, he would never slap me or anything like that.

*knock knock*

Sarah- "Get out!"

Marcus- "Sarah please open the door."

Sarah- "No go away! You were just looking how I was getting yelled on and slapped without doing anything so get out!"

I heard him whisper against the door this:

Marcus- "Please don't do this. I'll save you."

I didn't reacted and I continue to pack my things. As I was taking my clothes from the closet, some kind of paperwork fell down. I thought it was just some notes so I opened it without thinking about circumstances. But the results shocked me, the paper was actually an agreement about selling our house, I wanted to know more but that will end even worse that a slap in the face. I had a hidden suitcase for me in my office behind my closet which was more smaller than the one I was packing into. I started packing into the smaller one, and the bigger one I hid under a bed in one of our guest bedrooms hoping Martinus won't find it. You'll probably be confused why am I packing into a lot smaller suitcase. Well the answer is probably dumb but simple. I know I'll come back here very, very soon. After my packing I left the door unlocked and I fell asleep, hoping that this is just all a nightmare. How could Martinus hurt me? Okay maybe I pissed him off a little but why? He never looked so angry and without any emotions. I am scared he turned into someone else and that our babies won't have a happy childhood. God please help me and my babies..


heii <3 I'll try to be more active but I am recovering from some stuff and it is hard for me.

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