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Martinus- "Please Sarah. I love you."

I looked up at him and I could see his eyes started to water. I've always had major feelings for him and they just never went away.

Martinus- "Please."

I forgot about Marcus and the problems and I kissed him. He smiled and I felt much better. This is what I always dreamed about, a kiss with someone I love under a million stars. But my dream kiss got interrupted by a phone, Grayson was calling me. I thought it will be Marcus, but it wasn't. I turned off my notifications and I put my phone into my jeans.

Sarah- "I don't want to go home."

Martinus- "I have something better to do."

Sarah- "And what it is?"

He smirked and took me to the beautiful cottage. When we got inside, he locked the front door and we slowly walked to the bedroom. He took my phone and he put it on the bedside table and he started to slowly kiss my neck leaving some light marks. His hand went under my shirt, slowly pulling it upwards but I stopped him because I'm kinda scared.

Martinus- "Are you a virgin?"

I nod embarrassed and I looked down on the floor.

Martinus- "Every man is probably crazy about you."

Sarah- "But they're not the one I want."

Martinus- "Well and who do you want?"

Sarah- "You. I want you."

Martinus- "You don't even know how much I want you."

I kissed him again and this time I let him to do what he wants. Our clothes went off piece by piece until we both were naked on the bed and he was on top of me. He left marks on my chest and thighs.

Martinus- "I'll be slow at first. Don't worry, you'll love it. Do you trust me?"

Sarah- "Yes I do."

He took a condom and then he went slowly inside and it hurts just a little bit, but I let out a tear, just a small one. Then he went faster  and the pain went away and I started to enjoy it. A slight moans escaped from my mouth, but they were louder when he went deeper. I scratched his back with the soft parts on my fingers from the enjoyment. Then my moans turned into breaths and I felt like a ran a marathon but we still continued.


The next morning I was feeling very happy and full of energy. I checked my phone and I had so many unanswered calls from Grayson and Ethan, but nothing from Marcus. I thought he would at least text me sorry or something. Martinus then took my phone and he kissed my shoulder.

Martinus- "Good morning my beautiful princess."

Sarah- "Good morning handsome."

Martinus- "This night was amazing. I am so happy we did it."

Sarah- "Me too. I would love to do it again, but we need to go home so nobody will suspect us."

Martinus- "There's no possible way Crystal won't suspect me when she's see this."

He showed me his back which had red lines from when I was scratching his back from the enjoyment, and on his neck were slight hickeys.

Sarah- "Upss. Well I'm not the only one who will need to cover something."

I showed him the hickeys on my chest and neck, he bit his bottom lip and smiled. I kissed him and we dressed up. Then I drove him to his apartment and I already miss him.

Martinus- "I love you."

Sarah- "I love you too."

He kissed my forehead and then I drove to my apartment. I opened the door and I saw Marcus's clothes all over the living room along with Crystal's. My hands started to shake and I heard something from Crystal's bedroom...

Another chapter yay❤ hope you'll like it.. I read too much Dolan twins dirty imagines so that's why the dirty part heh❤.

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