Jack's Show

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Ok people,Jack requested this so pls sit down and watch the show.

Jack:Hello fangirls...

Fangirls screamed.

Jack:Not too loud pls,am i that handsome?

Jack's a show off.

Jack:So im gonna tell you about how i become this handsome.

Fangirls screamed louder.

Jack:Hold your horses ladies or my looks will be ruined.

What a proud boy.

Jack:So lemme explain it to you:

Im handsome because of my handsome face that i inherit from my myself.

How? easy...
Its because i was meant to be this way.That's why.

So ladies...im gonna give you a free kiss if you could just fall in line.

Fangirls fall inline,they tried to cut in line.

Jack:Calm down ladies or my looks will be gone...

Idk what's happening to me but anyway,i wanna ask you something.Do you got any ideas for me to do here?

Just comment.

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