Bonus chapter: Velvet vs (y/n)

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(Reminder, this is a 'what if' fight for chapter 14)

(Y/n)'s p.o.v.

(Y/n): 'Bone sword, check. Bone dagger, check. Pistol with infinite ammo, check. Innate desire to kick someones ass, check. Alright, let's do this!'

After I have gathered my things I make my way back to the stadium, wondering to myself as to why I don't just carry my equipment all the time. Stepping onto the stadium I see Velvet standing on the other side, tinkering with her camera. She looks up to me and waves.

Velvet: Hello, (y/n)!

(Y/n): Uuuhh, hi... Glynda, what's going on?

Glynda: Every so often, we ask students from higher classes to volunteer against students that have proven to be more capable than their fellow peers. Velvet here has agreed to spar with you.

(Y/n): Alrighty then.

Glynda: Combatants, whenever you are ready.

(Y/n):... Suddenly I'm tired of hearing that, I don't know why.

I unsheathe my sword and pull out my pistol. Velvet just puts her camera away and raises her fists. After a few silent seconds we both charge at each other. I swing my sword at her only to be dodged and sucker punched in the gut before I can react, sending me back a few feet. I whip my pistol in front of me and start shooting. She dodges most of the shots with ease, getting hit a few times. I swing my sword as she gets close, knocking her back a bit. As I was ready to charge at her, she sticks her arms out and what appears to be blue pixels form in her hands. A second later a blue spear and shield are formed in Velvet's hands, raising the shield in front of her and pointing the spear at me. They look like Pyrrha's.

(Y/n):....... OK, that's actually cool!

We charge at each other again, me shooting at her and Velvet using the shield to block. Once she is close her shield disappears from the barrage of bullets, thrusting her spear at my abdomen. I counter and back hand her. She lets go of the spear, spinning around and forming Nora's hammer, swinging it right at me.


I am sent across the stadium as Velvet charges at me with hammer at the ready. I embed my sword to the ground to halt my flight, bringing my gun up and firing at the approaching Velvet. She jumps into the air and brings her hammer down. I dodge out of the way and round house kick her. She staggers back as the hammer disappears and a scythe takes it's place. I block and counter most of her swings, the ones I miss push me back in the process. Ducking down, I swing my sword at her legs to make her jump. As she does I pistol whip her, she blocks it with the scythe and flies back. The scythe disappears as she falls to the ground with a thud. I holster my pistol and unsheathe my dagger.

(Y/n): So you can mimic anyone's weapon and fighting style, huh? Hate to break it to you, but I can handle anyone you try to copy.

Velvet gets back on her feet and just glares at me.

(Y/n): 'I'm curious, how would Velvet fight if I hadn't tinkered with her soul? Would she still have the same ferocity in a fight? Or would she have been submissive? Eh, no point in dwelling on it in the middle of a fight.'

She holds out her arms, a familiar sword and dagger form in her hands. A second later, she shivers for a bit for... some reason.

Velvet's p.o.v.

Velvet: 'What was that?! I copied (y/n)'s weapons then tried to mimic his fighting style with my semblance. Then I just... felt a rush!

I point the holo sword at (y/n) then placed the dagger gently over my arm.

(Y/n):... Wow. What a rip off.

We charge at each other, blocking and countering one another's attacks. So far, neither one of us has gotten a hit in yet. We lock blades and stare each other down.

(Y/n): You know, it would be a good idea to throw in a few different moves if you're gonna copy someone. Catch them off guard on what you'll do next!

I kick his shin in, making him take a knee. Bringing my blades up, I prepare to strike. As I swing down... nothing happens. I look at my clenched fists to see nothing in them... I ran out of time.

Velvet: Uh-oh.

(Y/n) gets back up and slashes at me upward, sending me in the air. He jumps in the air and brings both blades down on me, sending me to crash into the ground. A crater forms as I land. As (y/n) lands, his feet land on either side of my head.

Velvet: "groan"

(Y/n): Now THAT'S how you fight! If your hologram things lasted a bit longer, I would have actually been in trouble.

I look over to the monitor to see (y/n)'s aura is in the yellow while mine is red. He sticks his hand out to me and I grab it, pulling myself up.

Velvet: 'I still don't understand what happened when I mimicked his fighting style. It was like drinking a gallon of coffee with Nyquil... Wait, I have never done that before in my entire life. I don't like coffee. And what the heck is Nyquil?'

Velvet: I'm... gonna go lay down.

(Y/n): You do that.

I walk out of the stadium and head over to the bleachers.

(Y/n)'s p.o.v.

(Y/n):... 'That was weird. When she copied my style, it felt like I was almost facing myself... For some reason, I feel like downing some coffee and Nyquil all of a sudden...'


Salem: Something something witty comment. Something something Vytal Festival.

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