Part 28

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Rokuro P.O.V.

Knock Knock!

I knocked on the door to our house. School had a hectic end with all sorts of 'Benio seducing me' rumors  That was a comment from mostly the girls. As for the boys they would act almost normal with me other than the times when I mentioned Benio. At those moments the boys would start screaming. 

I had planned to take Benio and Komi to Shimon's house because of his leg. Mayura had stayed over at their house, and Sayo was more than happy to have her there.

I knocked again when no one opened the door. Guess I have to unlock the door myself......

I entered to find he whole house deserted. I wanted to scream my wife and daughter's name, but what they were just taking a nap or a short walk, or in the bathroom? I didn't want to look like an idiot.

I slowly walked up the stairs into our bedroom, she was lying there sleeping peacefully but what worried me was.......

"BENIO-SAMA! The imp is back home from school and is spying on you while you were weak and vulnerable!" and Kinako started yelling stuff at me, while Benio sleepily rubbed her eyes. Komi would wake up any minute now at the noise created.

"Kinako relax." she whispered, she sounded tired.

I walked over to her and slipped a hand around her waist. But her chest was exposed........

"YAH! Don't look at me pervert." she exclaimed tying up her gown.



"WWAAAHHHH!!!!!" Komi had woken up.

"Hush baby hush." Benio slowly rocked her back to sleep.

"Benio did you have anything to eat?"

"No......." expected from her.

"Alright then! Chef Rokuro to the rescue." And I ran down the stairs to prepare luch for the whole family.

Kinako didn't yell at me again but when I tried to make small conversation, he eagerly joined and we jabbered away like old friends.

After we ate lunch, I washed the dishes, and cleaned up after my family.

"Benio, want to go to Shimon's now?"

"Yes....Only if he's okay with it....... you know after what recently happened. I don't want us to be a burden to him and his family." she replied.

"I visited him a couple of times, and he said he wanted to hold the precious Miko again.....and say hello to you!"

"Oh! Well then I'm okay with it."

"YAY!!" I was overjoyed, Benio had finally agreed to step out of the house!

"But I'm not sure if it is right to let Komi out of the house. She is still a newborn baby." Benio said.

"Its alright Shimon's house isn't that far. And we'll be inside there. Mayura is staying there for the next few days taking care of her boyfriend." I looked at her. Although hesitant she had gone upstairs to change into something more presentable.

I stared at her when she came down the stairs. She was wearing a thin white cotton spaghetti top along with a mini black skirt. Although her dressing style was simple she still wore the pink clips that I gave her on our wedding day, as a gift I had planned on giving her if I survived being the Hajo-o. She looked beautiful with her pale skin.

Then my eyes lingered to her abdomen. It didn't seem......right. She must have noticed me staring.

"S-s-sorry about that but I haven't been into it since I became pregnant. Haha!" the laugh was sad and hollow. "Guess the lack of exercise finally showed its true colors.....Don't look at me Rokuro, I look hideous don't I?" she stole a glance before averting her eyes to the floor.

"You look beautiful as always." I whispered into her ear pulling her into an embrace.

Benio P.O.V.

"You look beautiful as always." 

Then he knelt down and removed the thin piece of cloth over my stomach exposing it, and issing exactly on my belly button. I moaned, and his tongue shot out licking it gently. I moaned in pleasure, before pushing him away. 

"I'll go get Komi, while you can get the car ready." 

Yes Rokuro had been taking driving lessons since he was sixteen and we had confessesd our love for each other. He already had a license, and we also had a white BMW X3. I loved him and he loved me back, so he took lessons so that it would be easier for us to move around. I wanted a convertible, but we had to do with what was available at the store.

I climbed in with Komi in the backseat. I had to pack extra clothes for her as well as a few diapers, including bottled milk, and baby food. Rokuro was mad at me for taking so long, and insisted that I shouldn't take so much stuff, but.....

"Komi is still a baby! She can't say when she needs to go to the bathroom!"

"Well then she is that dumb because you are the mother."

"Your dumb Rokuro. Don't yell at me again!"

"HA!! You bet......" 

......and our fight continued. It was a wonder Komi was still sleeping through the racket. Well then again what else can you expect from my husband's daughter?

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