That's What I Thought

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(8x15 After Rosita and Daryl tried to kidnap Eugene. Rosita returns and Tara is not happy.)

Delicated to Gabi❤️

"Hey Maggie," Tara said. "Do you know where Daryl went? I gotta talk to him about somethin." Maggie hesitated to respond because Daryl and Rosita told her not to say anything.
"He and Rosita went out." As soon as Tara heard it her heart sank.
"To where?" Tara pushed. "Please don't tell me tha—"
"They went to get the bullet maker." Maggie said in a low and quiet voice.
"Son of a bitch." Tara said punching the wall. "Why would they waste their time on that dickbag?"
"They wanna stop Negan from getting what he needs." Tara let out a big sigh. She knew getting Eugene would help them, but why couldn't someone else go with Daryl. Why did it have to be her?
"Alright. Thanks Maggie." Tara said walking out the door. As soon as Tara walked outside she saw Rosita, covered in what looked like puke. She looked pissed. Tara knew to give it a few minutes before she went to talk to her so she let Rosita walk right by her.
Rosita went up to the room to get changed. The room that she sat in with Tara while she waited for her to get sick. The room the two of them had shared for the last few nights. Rosita didn't want to let her turn. Tara said to Rosita that if anyone were to put her down she would want it be Rosita. She didn't know why, but Rosita accepted for the sake of making Tara happy. Rosita pulled off her shirt and threw it in the corner. She stood in the mirror, looking at the scar that is now displayed on her shoulder. She heard footsteps coming up the stairs so she hurriedly threw on a shirt. She turned around to see Tara in the doorway.
"Oh, hey."
"Hi." Tara cleared her throat. "Where did you guys go?"
"Eh nowhere. We were gonna go look for some stuff but we couldn't find anything." Rosita replied with a straight face.
"Rosita, please don't lie to me."
"How do you know I'm lying?"
"I asked Maggie." Tara scoffed. "I know where you went. You don't have to lie about it."
"Well if I told you, you would probably get mad."
"Just like I am now?" Tara questioned looking into her eyes. How could she get mad at her. She stared a couple for seconds before she continued, "Why would you have to waste your time on him?"
"We gotta get rid of him Tar. He just as big as a threat as Negan. Too bad the asshole got away because he choked himself, threw up on me and then left me with walkers."
"What a dick. As soon as I see him, his ass is mine." Tara growled. "You can't keep going back there. Rosita you're gonna get yourself killed."
"Tara I can take care of myself."
"Do you know what we're up against here?" Tara said waiting for an answer. "They have a shit ton of people in there. And you just stroll up with Daryl, killing two people and just stroll back out with one of their most important men.  Does that not register in your head. Or are you just still trying to figure shit out?"
"Tara why are you so worried about it. I'm fine. Daryl is fine. We came back unharmmed. So stop acting like you're my fucking boss. Stop trying to hold on to me just because you couldn't hold onto Denise." Rosita didn't even realize what she was saying until it came out. She saw Tara's hurt eyes brimming with tears. Rosita regretted it the second she said it. Tara clenched her jaw and turned around to walk out the door.
"Tara. Tara, wait!"
"I- I don't know." Rosita couldn't push out the 'I'm sorry'. Rosita couldn't look Tara in the eyes. She kept them on the floor.
"Do you even realize how important you are to me?" Tara asked with a lot of emotion in her voice.
"Yeah I do."
"No. I don't think you do." Tara said taking steps forward. "Anytime your gone, anytime we are out doing something.... I am so scared. So scared. That I wont see my best friend every again. The one I care about more than anyone or anything else. I get scared that I wont be able to get you to smile or laugh, cuz im the only one that can do that, but I wouldnt be able to get to see your beautiful face everyday." Tara wiped the tear falling on her cheek. Rosita couldn't hold back her tears either. Tara swallowed hard. "All I want is for you to be safe... because... I love you Rosita. I dont care if the world knows I do. I finally get to say it out loud to you. I never did for obvious reasons but I dont care. You might think im saying I love you as my friend, hell you might even think I actually love love you, but I dont care. But obviously you can handle everything on your own because your someone special and nothing bad could happen right?" Rosita was too in shock to answer. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her heart was trying to say something but her mind wouldn't let her. "Yeah.... that's what I thought." Tara finished. She looked at Rosita once again shaking her head. She turned around and walked away, Rosita let her.

The hot sun had finally set. Rosita was outside. She needed a break. She couldn't stay in her room all day. She walked around, looking at everyone finishing preparations for the battle against Negan tomorrow. She sat down in the grass. She heard people talking. She saw Tara out the corner of her eye talking to Daryl. She saw Tara glance at her for a couple of seconds before she walked into the house. Rosita was tired, but she knew she couldn't go back into the room with her. She fell back laying down, looking up at the clear sky filled with stars.
"You should probably go apologize." Rosita turned her head to see Daryl standing over her. "She's pretty bad. She told me what you said, 'bout Denise."
"I know. I messed up."
"You should probably go fix it then. Before she gets herself killed doing something stupid tomorrow." Rosita nodded. He was right. Rosita grabbed Daryl's hand which he held out to help her up. She walked slow, not wanting to face her. She felt horrible for what she said. But horrible is not the only thing she felt for Tara. She got to the room, the door was closed. She put her ear to the door. She heard light sobs on the other side of the door. Rosita sat there listening, internally punching herself for acting like a bitch yet again. She was gonna wait until Tara stoped crying to walk in, but she heard something smash against the wall. Rosita burst through the door to see Tara searching for another thing to break. Tara looked up and saw Rosita. She grabbed the vase of flowers that Rosita had picked for her and threw it in the direction of Rosita but missed her.
"Tara! Stop!" Tara grabbed the picture frame of the nightstand and threw it but not at Rosita this time.
"Tara! Look at me!" Rosita walked up to Tara and grabbed her face. "Hey! Look at me." Tara calmed down and look Rosita in the eyes. "I'm sorry Tara. Okay. I'm sorry." Tara breath hitched at how close they were. "I shouldn't have said that. I shouldn't even had thought that. Tara, I never I would feel this way, I love you too." Rosita didn't even wait for a reply. She closed the small space between them. Tara wasn't even surprised. She kissed back right away. Rosita loved how soft Tara's lips were and how perfectly they fit together. Rosita felt Tara's hot tears on her cheek. Rosita pulled away and wiped the tears with her thumb.
"Hey. No more tears. I'm here now. I love you. I'm not going anywhere." Tara smiled. Rosita smashed her lips to Tara's once again. Tara grabbed onto Rosita's waist pulling their bodies together. Tara tugged at the hem of Rosita's shirt until she got the hint. Rosita pulled off her shirt and then pulled off Tara's carfully knowing that her should still probably hurts. Tara winced but brushed it off. She picked Rosita up and held her on her hips. Rosita smiled as she wrapped her arms around Tara's neck. Tara walked them over to the bed and layed her down. She stood over Rosita, admiring her body.
"Stop staring and kiss me already." Rosita said. Tara laughed as she crawled on top of Rosita leaving feathery kissed on her stomach, then chest, then onto her neck finding Rosita's weak spot.

They lay there breathless, Rosita laying her head in the crook of Tara's neck.
"Thank you for loving me." Rosita said.
"Anytime gorgeous." Rosita felt Tara's lips on her forhead. "I know Abraham thought you were the last women on Earth and then told you that you weren't but... I know that you aren't. And I will treat you and love you everyday like you are. You are important." Rosita looked up and smiled brushing a small piece of hair out of the way of Tara's face.
"I love you." Rosita kissed Tara.
"I love you too."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2018 ⏰

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