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(After Tara chases Dwight and tries to kill him and when they get back to the Hilltop in 8x11)

"What were you doing?" Tara asks as she seen Rosita standing behind her.
"Making sure you were okay. I saw you running after him." Rosita explained.
"Why didn't you try and stop me?"
"No one could've stopped me." Tara remembered wishing Rosita would just stay put and not go to the Sanctuary with Sasha.
"I told you to wait!" Tara sat there with a plain expression while Daryl was yelling at her. "Negan could be on his way right now!"
"He isn't. He won't. He led them away. They were comming right for us and he saved us." Tara argued back.
"She's right he did." Tara felt relief when she heard Rosita say that. "I saw it." Tara barely listened to the rest of what Daryl had to say.
"Hey," Tara said gently grabbing Rosita's arm as she walked by. "Thank you... for sticking up for me."
"Anytime. You would do the same me. Right?" Rosita said with a slight smile making Tara's cheeks a bit pink as she nodded.
Tara stayed silent the rest of the way to the Hilltop as did everyone else. Millions of thoughts were running through her head. Why didn't she kill him? Why did she want to? Would she feel better afterwards? Did he actually just save her along with everyone else? She pushed away all the questions as they arrived. It broke her heart to see everyone learning about Carl's death. She walked around checking up on everyone making sure they were okay. She said hi to Maggie and gave her a big hug.
"How are you?" Tara asked.
"Okay. Considering the circumstances. Yourself?" It took Tara a few seconds to answer but she finally said,
"Could be better I guess." Maggie looked at Tara with a frown
"Hey since I live in the big house you can live in my cabin for the time being." Tara nodded in agreement. "I already told Rosita she can stay there too." Tara liked that idea but didn't vocalize it.
"Thank you, Maggie." Maggie smiled and left. Tara walked to what is now her cabin saying hi to some others. She walked into the cabin with Rosita standing there without her shirt on.
"Oh shit. Sorry. Didn't think you were in here." Tara said walking through the door fast and facing the other direction.
"It's alright. Didn't think you were coming in." Tara watched out of the corner of her eye as Rosita pulled on the black tank-top that fitted perfectly to Rosita's perfect body.
"You can turn around now." Rosita said while tucking in her shirt. Tara turned around and sat on the end of her bed resting against the footboard. Tara watched as Rosita layed out her clothes that were soaked from the swamp.
"Why?" Rosita said breaking the silence.
"Why what?"
"Why didn't you kill him. You had plenty of time before the other saviors came." Tara thought about that for a while.
"I don't know. I just.... I couldn't. Even if we were still there for another 10 minutes I wouldn't able to bring myself to do it." Rosita looked at Tara and saw how torn up she looks. "I want to get justice for her so bad. So fucking bad. But me killing him like that, she would never want me to do that." They both knew that was true. Rosita walked over and sat next to her. They sat in silence again.
"Did you really love her?" Rosita asked. "Like really love her?" Tara took a second to answer.
"Then why did you say you did?"
"Because I was pushing other feelings away." Tara said fiddling with her fingers.
"What feelings?" Rosita asked in confusion.
"My feelings for you." Tara swallowed hard. "I pushed them away because I knew it would never happen obviously, since you are super straight and I am super gay." Tara said laughing a bit while Rosita blushed. "When I first met you, it was like I hit a brick wall. You were, and still are, beautiful, strong, smart and of course I can't have you. You stuck up for me with Glenn when I hurt my knee... again. You know it really sucks to crush on a straight girl." Tara looked up to see Rosita shying away with embarrassment. "Im sorry for rambling. It's probably awkward for you. Sorry."
"No it's okay."
"No Im sorry. I just made this really uncomfortable." Tara said standing up and walking away. Rosita grabbed her arm before she could go anywhere,
"Wait," Rosita pulled Tara to sit back down. "I know it sucks for you but—"
"But your not interested or gay and I will never be with you—"
"Let me finish Tara!" Rosita yelled making Tara jump. "I know it sucks for you, but you want to know what really sucks?" Rosita paused taking a deep breath, getting ready to confess. "It really sucks to have a crush on a gay girl who thinks that you're super straight and isn't extremely interested." Rosita looked into Tara's beautiful, brown, puppy dog, confused eyes. Tara's chin was almost touching her chest because of how far her jaw had dropped in shock. Rosita leaned in slowly, kissing Tara's soft lips with her own. They break apart looking into each others eyes, Tara with a huge grin.
"What are you smiling about?" Rosita asks laughing a bit.
"You..." Tara said cupping Rosita's face. "You are something else." She finishes into another kiss. This time the kiss gets deeper and more aggressive as it goes on. Rosita stops the kiss to quickly rip off Tara's flannel along with her t-shirt. Tara undoes Rosita's belt and pulls off Rosita's tank-top. They press their lips together once again as Tara pushes Rosita back and settles her hips between Rositas legs. Tara kisses Rosita's neck and trails the kisses down her clevage and stomach to Rosita's waistband, stopping. Tara looks up for permission to continue on and Rosita nods her head with a smile. Tara, slowly but surely, pulls off Rosita's pants. Once they're off Tara trails kisses from her knee all the way down her inner thigh. Rosita can feel her breaths become shorter as Tara got closer and closer. From there Tara went to town on her driving Rosita crazy. She tries to be as quite as possible because she knows there are a lot of people on the other side of that door. Tara goes for a while until it's Rositas turn.
"I don't know what to do."
"Don't worry you'll be just fine... like always." Tara said winking. Rosita rolls her eyes trying to remember what was just done to her. She was extremely nervous but she follows everything Tara did.
They lay under the covers, breathless, Rosita's head on Tara's chest with her arm snaked around her waist.
"Your a pro at this Tar."
"Considering I've been gay since I was 14, I should be by now." Tara said sarcastically. "Havent done it since collage though. But you're not too bad yourself. You sure haven't done it before?"
"100% sure." Rosita said laughing.
"So I guess your not super straight?" Tara asked. Rosita gave Tara a long and loving kiss.
"Not at all."

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