Can't Sleep (PT.1?)

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It was the middle of the night, and I couldn't sleep. I tried everything! I even went so far as to take some sleeping pills, which don't even work. too be honest, i would've thought it'll be easier for the dead to sleep... How Ironic

I decided to climb my tree and read a book.

I was up on the tree for about 5 minutes when i started to hear faint crying coming from Alex's room. I didn't want to invade her privacy (even though we're dating) but i couldn't stand to hear her cry. After a few minutes, the crying just increased, which made me instantly go to Alex's room through the tree. I climbed down and I see Alex laying on her bed facing the door. I whispered, "Are you alright, Alex?"

Alex replied "Go Away! I want to be alone!"

I couldn't bear hearing her cry, so i walked up to her and started rubbing her back in circles. I hugged her, knowing i'll probably get decapitated, and started to get on the bed. I told her "It's alright. Why are you crying? I want to help."

Luckily, she didn't kill me. No, instead she put her head on my chest and tried to stop sobbing. After a minute, she looked up and met my eyes, tears still running down from hers, and she said "It's nothing. You can go back to your room, I'm fine." 

I looked at her and said "No, you aren't fine. And I'm not leaving. You can trust me with your problems, Alex. I want to help. Please."

Alex only nodded her head slightly, then got up and sat on my lap. "I was going to surprise you by buying some falafel from Amir. I was walking down the street when 4 teens started looking at me like I shouldn't exist. I walked past them and they started to call me some horrible names like 'tranny' and 'disgrace' and how I should of stayed one gender instead of ruining precious space. They kept on swearing and then started yelling at me, all the while following me. I couldn't take it anymore and i snapped, yelling back."

"Oh.." was all I could manage to say. I almost started tearing up when she was telling me what happened.

"They all laughed and came closer.." she stopped, trying to hold back her tears. "You don't have to tell me this if you don't want to, Alex." I said.
She replied almost instantly - "No, no I do want to tell you.." She held back her tears and continued.

  "I-I tried to get away but one of the teens smacked my butt while still laughing. I started running away, c-crying. I ran back to Valhalla and into my room."

Oh my gods... I wanted to help Alex so bad! I wanted to punch the boys in thier face for doing this to Alex. She didn't deserve any of this! It wasn't fair!
"Stop." I said while looking into Alex's eyes. "I'm so sorry you had to deal with those guys making fun of you. I'm so sorry I couldn't help. But I want you to know that everyone on floor 19 loves you Alex. All of your friends love you. Most of all, I love you." I said, blushing extremely with a huge smile on my face.

Alex stopped crying completely. She looked at me and kissed me. She kissed me so hard that I almost fell over with her on my lap. After kissing me for quite some time, she backed away and looked at me, smiling the brightest smile i've seen all week. She said, "Thank you so much for being here with me Maggie. I love you too."

I stare at her beautiful eyes for what seemed like an eternity, until I said "Could I stay here with you? I don't want to leave you alone after what happened today..." She replied with - "Yeah, I would love it if you stayed."

We go back to laying down on the bed. Her head is on my chest, our legs intertwined with each other, with a blanket over our body. She falls asleep while I'm playing with her amazing green hair. I soon fall asleep aswell.

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