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(Songs for the chapter:
• Sanctify - Years & Years
• Serenade - Elijah Woods x Jamie Fine
OK - Robin Schulz (feat. James Blunt)
• Remember This - NF)



Ladybug and I fly over Paris as we try to catch up with Power who is headed toward the Eiffel Tower. We still haven't figured out how we were going to beat him. We had to find his weakness, or he'll electrify the whole city...

"I think he's heading toward the Eiffel Tower to electrify the whole city!" I yell over to Ladybug.

"We have to stop him!" Ladybug calls back.

She gains more speed as she uses her magical yo-yo to send her flying in the air while I use my stick to extend it.

And when we're in the air, Power spots us before he throws us a bolt of electricity toward us. I dive down in the air as I land on the street. Ladybug is still on the rooftops. Power continues to shoot her bolts of electricity but he misses her.

"Be careful!" I yell.

"I get that!" Ladybug remarks before she jumps over the bolt of electricity and it misses her by a few feet.

Ladybug jumps down from the rooftops and onto the street as she sprints beside me.

"This Power will leave us a spark!" I laugh.

Ladybug groans in annoyance, "Less puns, more action, Chat Noir!"

"Alright!" I chuckle at her annoyance before I run up a wall and to the rooftops. Ladybug follows me.

When we near the Eiffel Tower, we hide a few blocks away behind a chimney. I observe as Power looks up at the Eiffel Tower. I watch him take more energy from the power lines. The power lines electricity zaps and crackles when the energy is taken from them. I watch closely when his hands smoke after when he consumes more energy and then using more energy, but he soon stops the electricity from his right hand as he waits for it stop smoking up. I hide back in the Chimney.

"Did you see that?" I ask Ladybug who was looking out like I did.

She nods, "He's like a battery. If he uses more energy, he'll burn out." Ladybug pokes her head out again as she watches him.

"We have to burn him out." Ladybug says with a satisfied on her lips.

"But where is his Akuma hiding?" I question.

"Use your Lucky Charm. We'll figure it out how we can use it to find where the Akuma is hiding." I tell Ladybug.

She shakes her head, "We have to find the Akuma first."

As Ladybug continues to poke her head out, I watch her before I reach in my pocket before I take out the poem.

"Wait, read this first." I nervously say as I hand the paper to her.

Ladybug turns to me and stares down at the paper. She just stares at it before  she shakes her head and pushes it away.

"Not now, Chat Noir. We're trying to save Paris at the moment." Ladybug pokes her head back out. I frown at her before I take the poem.

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