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I guess Kanato fell asleep when I started playing with his hair

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I guess Kanato fell asleep when I started playing with his hair.

I couldn't help it. His hair was so fluffy!

I actually did some small braids on his hair.

Then I got bored so I unknowingly started running my finger on his hair like a comb and sometimes twirling it which resulted to lull him to sleep.

Which was good.

Those bags under his eyes does make him look cuter but that's not healthy, even if he is a vampire.

I would know because I'm insomniac as well.

Until now actually I'm still running my fingers along Kanato's purple locks.

His head was rested on my lap as he hugged Teddy close to his embrace.

Kanato's cuteness just might be the death of me.

Since I didn't had my phone with me and I was tired as well, I fell asleep with Kanato.

My head tilted back rested on the top of the back rest.

I awoken by the sound of the door creaking.

The boys must be back.

I blinked my eyes a couple of times, adjusting my vision.

I also stretched my neck with rotating motion, to take off the stiffness it got from the position a while ago.

Now fully awake, I looked down at the sleeping vampire on my lap.

He still had the braids I did a while ago, so I untangled them all, making those strands a bit curly.

Damn, he just looks cute in anything.

"Oi! Kanato were-!"

Ayato's voice boomed outside the living room door before opening the door.

He suddenly noticed me sitting on the couch glaring at him which made him flinch and stop his yelling.

I raised my index finger to my mouth, indicating for him to 'shut up'.

He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Why would I need to shut up?"

Ayato asked nearing me by the couch, then stopped midway after he saw Kanato sleeping.

"N-no way! You actually had him gp to sleep?!" Ayato half yelled half shouted.

"Yeh, now get my phone, it's just by my bed."

I demanded.


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