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With Kou being an idol and his brothers being famous as well in school, a crowd of fan girls couldn't be avoided

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With Kou being an idol and his brothers being famous as well in school, a crowd of fan girls couldn't be avoided.

Since Asagi had kept her mask down, the fan girls had finally seen her full face.

A couple of boys actually surrounded the table as well, Asagi gaining a few fan boys.

"Doesn't she look familiar?"

"Yeh, I think I've seen her before."

"I don't care! Why is she with the Mukamis?!"

"Shut up! You're just not as pretty as her."

"Deyyymmm, I don't know about you, but I find her hot with those glasses."

"I actually think she looks good with Kou."

"No! Kou-senpai's mineeeeee!"

"All of you shut up! Get eating and stop bothering these people they need their privacy as well!"

A student, who was a member of the student council, finally spoke, much to both parties pleasure.

Good thing that student, finally had those nosy students out of the groups' neck.

Although the group of boys plus girl wasn't the only one displeased with the commotion.

Another group of boys, the Sakamakis, were displeased.

Especially Laito and Ayato since most of their fans was included with the fandom of the Mukamis as well.

"Just who do they think they are?!"

Laito bursted out, making the human girl with them flinch.

Reiji sighed.

"Laito, stop this nonsense, those lowlifes doesn't even deserve a single glance from us."

After he said that, they went back to eating their foods.

"Well you guys are famous huh? Doesn't it feel good?"

Asagi said as a matter of factly.

"Īe, they're such a pain in the ass. Like just now they don't give us privacy. Every little thing we do is a big issue for them."

The tall brunette from the group answered, stretching his arms after.

"Yeh, that's how I feel as well."

Asagi sighed, under her breath.

All four boys heard it.

They were on the same boat.

Although the boys know that she was on another level.

Considering how well known she is on a foreign country.

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