The First Day of school

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(M/n)'s POV 

               I wake up to a foot being forcefully lodged into my side. "THE FUCK!?!?" I groan when I hit the hard ground. I look up to Dana smirking down at me wearing what I can only guess is the uniform for the UA. "Why did you do that?~" 

               "Because you obviously wouldn't get up. Now change into your uniform. I was generous enough to let you sleep in a little bit. You better be in the living room in ten or I'm leaving you here." She walks out the room. 

                  "Meh meh meh meh..." Roll my eyes. 

                 "I heard that!!" I stand up and stretch my arms, hearing a satisfying crack in the process. I walk over to the walk in closet and grab my fresh uniform from the hanger. I quickly slip on my pants and button up the crisp white shirt. I walk out of the room with the tie and jacket in my arms. I go into bathroom, which is the only room in the whole apartment that has a mirror. I set the jacket on the towel rack. I quickly tie the tie around my neck. I look I the mirror, studying my face and uniform for any faults. Once I fix any I see I smirk and nod. I head back in the living room to see Dana sitting down on couch with a cup of tea in one hand and a book in the other.

                 "My my it's been awhile since I've seen you in a skirt. It really brings out your legs." I smirk and grab a toaster waffle, putting it in the toaster. "Then again I would get jealous if anyone else saw you like that." I walk over and hug her from behind, giving her a wink. 

                 "If you keep saying things like that you will make people think that see are dating." She looks up at me with a glare. One of the snakes on her head hisses at me in a warning.

                   "People will think we are dating anyway. I mean we stay in the same apartment and the same room." I pet the snake that was hissing at me making him calm down a bit. I then stand up and walk to the toaster, grabbing waffle as it pops out. I take a bite out of it and look at the clock. "We should head to school now." She glances the clock as she sips the last her tea. She then sighs and puts her book down and her cup in the sink.

                  "Well you are right. Grab your bag next to the coat hanger and the money for the bus then we will head out." I take the last bite of my waffle and head to get the few items. I pick up the apartment keys as well and head to the door where Dana is standing. "You ready?"

                   "Of course, Dollface." She punches my arm and we head of to school. On our way we talk about what we might do today and what we should get for lunch. Soon we arrive at the huge 'H' shaped building. I look around at the few people walking to their classes, each person with something different about them. I turn to Dana and smirk making her smirk back. "This a step into our future, a step into changing the meaning of what it is to be a hero, we'll prove that it doesn't matter what kind a quirk you have!" We do a high five and keep our hands together in the middle. "Let's do this!"

                    "Hell yeah!" We then turn and start heading towards the huge building, a step towards the future. I take a step towards the school not paying attention, which causes me to bump into someone and knock them down. "Damnmit (M/n), you just bumped into someone."

                     "Oh Hades, are you okay?" I reach my hand down to a boy with spiky red hair and tannish skin. He looks up at me for a second and grins up at me taking my offered hand.

                     "I'm fine, bro." He uses my hand to pull himself and looks surprised for a second. "Damn bro you are really big." I smirk slightly muttering a 'that's what she said' under my breath. He rubs the back of his neck with a sheepish smile. "I mean you are like a few heads taller than most people here."

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