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It has finally happened. The world has ended. Me and my friends are the last survivors on Earth. We have been traveling for days looking for the one thing that could get us off this planet. The Ancient Portal. The Ancient Portal can take us anywhere in the universe we want but it only works once. No one has ever been able to find it, but after 2 months of searching we have finally found it, because for some reason it was under Sally and Xander's house, which explains why it was supposedly "haunted". We don't know where we are going to go or how the portal works, but we decided to have a meeting in the morning to discuss where we would go. My name is John Hugo and my friends are, Ceecee Silver, Sally and Xander Lovegood, Angie Niger, Seth and Natasha Kousoko, and Bryce Falcon. We are all outside sleeping in front of Sally and Xander's house waiting for morning to come.

Snoooorrre. I woke up with a start. "Yeah,still not used to that", I said with a sigh. I looked towards where the snore had come from and saw that it was just Xander. From what I could tell it was still a good two hours before morning but something felt off. I looked around our circle of sleeping bags and saw that everyone was still asleep, but as I was about to lie back down Sally sat up from her spot and started speaking in her weird prediction voice, " She is up and is heading towards the portal". I quickly got up and went over to her and asked in the calmest voice I could, "WHO, WHO IS GOING TO THE PORTAL!!!!!". "Natasha", she said before falling back to sleep. "Oh shit", I said as I looked around the camp. It looked like everyone was in their sleeping bags, but then I heard the front door to the house open up and I saw Natasha walking through. I yelled at the top of my lungs, " EVERYONE WAKE UP!!!!!". The first one to sit up was Bryce, followed by Ceecee, Sally, Seth, and Angie. Unfortunately, Xander didn't hear me because he was still snoring. I tried for two minutes to wake him up. I tried slapping him, waving bacon in front of his nose( that always worked for me!!), cold water, hot water, basically anything you can imagine. Then Ceecee tried and he immediately jumps up and says "Where is it!!!". "What did you say to him", I asked curiously and angrily at the same time. "I said Link gave him a Master Sword" she responded. I then face-palmed myself, "Why didn't I think of that!!!". "Anyways", I said, " Natasha is sleep walking towards the portal in the basement and we need to stop her NOW!!". Everyone quickly ran towards the house and into the basement where we found that Natasha hadn't gone through the portal yet.

"Well at least she hasn't walked through yet." I said with a sigh of relief.

But of course, just because the universe hates me, she walked through. As she did, it changed shape into what looked like a pokéball.

"Oh sh-" was all I got to say as I was trampled by my friends and inevitably pushed into the portal. Now I'm gonna fill you in on something if you've never traveled through a strange portal.

1) It gives you a major headache.

2) If your not ready for the landing it WILL hurt.

3) Sudden cravings.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. oof." I had landed in some sort of building.

"Uh. Excuse me but who are you and where did you come from?" asked an elderly man sitting at a desk.

"Uh. If I told you, you probably wouldn't believe me." I replied trying to stand up.

"I think whatever explanation you give me I'll be able to handle. I am a professor after all!" he said.

"Wait professor? Might I ask your name." I said.

"My name is Professor Oak. I study and research Pokémon." he replied.

"......Pr-professor Oak! Oh my Arceus how did I not recognize you! Wait! If your here then that means that I'm.... Is this Kanto?" I asked.

"Yes, why?"

Pokemon: The Next Generation of ChampionsWhere stories live. Discover now