- chapter one -

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Just some FYI's before we start. 1:Betty and Jughead are best friends, 2: There isn't any of the murder/mystery happening in Riverdale in this story.


"Wow, Betty. This is amazing." I say closing the rough draft of her newest article. "This is the best you've ever written."

"Do you really think so?" she says taking the papers as I hand them over.

I sit against the wall in our usual Pop's booth, my arm resting on my knee, Betty sits on the same side, turned towards me. 

"Do I ever lie to you?" I raise a brow as I eat a fry.

Her lips turn into a side smile. "No."


She lets out a sigh, "Thank you, Jug. Buttt, if you don't mind, could you maybe make some notes? Be as harsh as you need to be, I just want it to be as good possible and I need you for that to happen." she bites her lip in wait of my answer as she holds the paper out again.

"Okay." I say taking the thick stack. "But trust me, there isn't much I can do, it's genuinely incredible, Betts."

"Well either way, we are a dynamic duo." She nudges my knee with her shoulder. "My work always need a spice of Jughead Jones." she argues.

I laugh. "I won't deny that." 

I slide the plate of fries towards her. "You want some? You're so nervous about your mom letting you post the article in the paper that you haven't eaten anything."

She picks up a few fries. "Thanks." 

After some more chit-chat, I pay and we go out into my truck. My dad had gathered enough money to buy his own apartment and a new car. Now I lived in the trailer and had his old truck.


We pull into Betty's driveway. Once I park Betty turns to me.

"How do I look?" she says, frantically smoothing over her clothes and tightening her ponytail.


"Archie's right there, do I look like I just spent 4 hours in a booth a Pop's?" 

I look past her and out the window, seeing Archie standing outside and throwing a ball with Vegas. I look back at her and smile, "No, you look great."

Betty's crush on Archie was something she wasn't afraid to talk to me about, get a guy's opinion. Of course, it isn't the most fun topic for me as I'm not much of a gossip, I would prefer if she turned to Kevin or Veronica for these kinds of things, but me being Archie's best friend gives her good reason.

She smiles back. "Thanks Jug." she leans over the console and hugs me. "I'll see you tomorrow!"

Betty asked me not to tell Archie about her crush on him, but I'm pretty sure he already knows. Hell, anyone would be able to tell. I laugh aloud as she pretends to be surprised that Archie is there, calling out "Oh, Arch! I didn't see you there!" as she walks towards him. 

I shake my head with more laughs as I pull out of the driveway, waving at my two best friends as I drive away.


"Ready to go?" I say as one of my two best friends answers his front door. 

"Hey, Jug. Yeah, are we taking Betty?" Archie responds.

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