- chapter nine -

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I jolt awake suddenly, immediately letting my head fall back again due to head-rush. "Shit." I say, my head aching from the wake. 

I let my eyes adjust to the dim-lighting that surrounds me. I'm in my living room. That's when I see her, resting her head on my chest, my mind going back to that day by the ocean on my truck. I smile to myself, how does someone look that good asleep?

The last thing I remember is watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S, I guess we fell asleep while watching because an episode still plays quietly. I assume that's what woke me up, I was a light sleeper.

Betty's blonde hair falls over her face so delicately, so perfect. The eyes behind those lids were the most precious thing I'd ever seen. The green-blue mixture was so vibrant, I always loved her eyes. I remember that was one of the first compliments I gave her back when I was a scrawny little 8 year old boy. I told her "You've got beautiful eyes, Betts." I had a crush on her back then, I  got over it but now here we are again, where I was madly in love with the Cooper girl.

"Are you staring at me or into space?" she asks with a smile, her eyes still shut. I didn't realize she was awake, I was too in my head.

I chuckle, embarrassed. "Sorry."

She opens her eyes and folds her arms on my chest, her stomach now on mine as she looks at me. "I'm just teasing, it's kinda cute actually." she says.

She looked beautiful, wearing a baggy lilac t-shirt with white soft shorts, much different than her usual attire because she was just coming over to my place. 

I reach over for my phone on the coffee table while saying "How long have we been asleep?"

"Wait!" she says before I say the time, "Lemme guess. Is it... 9:21?" 

"Ooof," I say, brows furrowed, "So close. 9:26."

"Okay, then you need to fix your clock." she chuckles pointing behind me to the clock on the wall.

I scoff, "You little cheater."

She bites her lip as she moves her position, squeezing into the small space between me and the back of the couch, me putting my arm around her and moving slightly over to give her more room. While doing so she says, "I had to take the opportunity when it came to me."

"Your mom won't be worried, will she?" I ask.

She giggles, "I told her I might be here a while. She was surprisingly okay with it, even overnight."

"I don't recall asking you to sleep over." I joke.

She frowns at me, "Fine then." She begins getting up, teasing back, but I pull her back down and she falls into my lap earning me one of her adorable screaming laughs.

She wraps her arms around my neck, my hands on her waist. Her eyes scan my face before moving to my hair, twirling a strand between her fingers. "Did you mean it?"

"Huh?" I ask, confused.

"What we said before we fell asleep." she says, avoiding eye contact.

"Now that'd be harsh if I were lying." I say in my sardonic way.

She smiles down at me, my hair still in her hand. "So, yes?"

"Yes, Betty. I love you."

She doesn't say anything in response, worrying me. Just a wide smile across her face.

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