Love and Its Troubles

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     “It’s… nice to meet you… Makoto-san,” Chihiro greeted in return, bowing. If he heard her, he didn’t show any sign of it. His eyes briefly flickered over to her before resuming the staring battle with Haku.

     What was she supposed to do now? Invite Makoto to join them for breakfast?

     She most definitely wouldn’t mind, but then Haku would probably kill her for suggesting that, or more likely find an excuse to reject it in an instant.

     The whole time, Haku was holding one hand out in front of her, keeping her a step behind him in a protective manner. He didn’t exactly bother hiding the flames within his eyes too. Or if he did, he wasn’t doing a very good job of it.

     Anyone looking at this scene would have thought Makoto was some dangerous foe threatening to kill them both or something. But, Makoto sure didn’t look like he was going to attack her, at the very least. Haku didn’t need to go on bodyguard mode.

     Nevertheless, Makoto looked scarily collected, and the coldness in his eyes seemed to suggest a rather serious conflict between them. Even so, if they had been working together for a long time now, they should at least be polite around each other.

     She sighed. Men.

     “Kohaku,” Makoto demanded in a clipped tone, “do you have a good explanation for what you have done?” His voice, while not raised, sounded like thousands of needles piercing through the air with ferocious speed.

     “I’m afraid I don’t understand,” Haku replied nonchalantly.

     Makoto’s jaw clenched, and a couple of veins in his neck showed as his shoulders tensed. “You, of all people, should understand what shaving your mane means. What did you do it for? Losing your dignity, pride and identity as a dragon for a mere human? What in the heavens are you thinking? What you did has disgraced us all, Kohaku.”

     Chihiro’s heart sank as she took a step back. What had she done? Something heavy weighed on her chest, making it hard for her to breathe all of a sudden.

     Equally agitated as Makoto was, Haku stepped forward with his fists balled at his sides. “I have no regrets. I am no longer part of the Shugorei, and I believe it is no longer your responsibility to concern yourself with my personal decisions. Also, she,” he grabbed Chihiro by the waist and hugged her close to his side, “is my woman. She means everything to me, so she isn’t just a ‘mere human’. In your eyes, perhaps so. But in my eyes,” he gazed tenderly into her hazel orbs, “she’s the most beautiful, perfect woman I’ve ever met. I love no one but her alone.”

     Chihiro would normally have become red in the face upon hearing such mushy words from Haku, but she simply couldn’t find it in her to feel happy about what Haku was saying right then.

     He turned back to Makoto. “No one can, or will, ever replace her. I sincerely hope you understand, Makoto.”

     Makoto remained stoic-faced. “Very well,” he answered, “However, I’d still like for you to reconsider taking back your duties at the Shugorei. You are an outstanding member and without you, things over here have been very different. As Chief, I hope you will return, if not for the sake of your friends, then for the sake of the welfare of this realm.”

     His eyes came to rest on Chihiro. “I assume you’d understand the gravity and importance of Kohaku returning to the Shugorei. If you truly love him, you would do what’s best for him.” For some reason it sounded more like a warning than advice.

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