Chapter 3

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The lady from earlier came back into the room.

"I see the three of you have gotten aquainted" she said. I saw the boys' faces go from smiles to frowns when she spoke. I glared at her and she shook her head. "Kids these days." She handed me a stack of papers once again.

"What's this?" I asked

"It's everything you need to know." She pointed to boxed of section which contained a few paragraphs. "That's how Harry and you met." Harry's head shot up and looked at the paper. I moved closer to the boys so he could read it too.

"No." Harry said, reading it before I got the chance. "I'll pretend to date Rose, but there's no way I'm saying Eleanor hooked us up." It was my turn to read this now. It said that our story was that I was a friend of Eleanor and she introduced us.

"What do you suggest, then?" She sighed out.Harry looked at me, deep in thought.

"How about we say I met her at a concert?" The lady seemed to be considering that.

"That's a great idea, Harry! That way it'll look like you're dating a fan, which will give all the little fangirls hope!" She took the stack of papers back and left, I'm assuming she was going to write us up another story.

"Who is she?" I asked the boys.

"That's Katie. She's the one who made me "date" Eleanor." Louis said. "She'll stop at nothing to bring her back"

"That's why I made sure Eleanor wasn't involved in our story. You would have had to associate with her. We couldn't put you through that." Harry added.

"But everyone was say Louis and Eleanor broke up earlier?" I asked.

"Her contract ended. Katie is trying to convince her to renew it." I nodded.

"Is Eleanor that bad?" The boys scoffed. I took that as a yes.

"She's just as bad as management themselves. She's just in it for the money" I never imagined her to be all that bad, although she seemed a bit mean at points she never struck me as that terrible of a person. I patted Louis' leg.

"I won't be like her, I promise." I saw a smile appear on both of their faces. Before I knew it they had both kissed me on the cheek.

"Harry, babe, look at her blushing!" Louis laughed and I rolled my eyes at them.

The woman, who I now knew as Katie came back in and placed the new stack of papers on my lap. The three of us read the new story of how we met and we approved. Katie rubbed her hands together in a satisfied manner.

"Tomorrow will be the first public appearance of you two. We went through and deleted any tweets that would be a concern off your account. You'll come to this room at 12 o'clock tomorrow. Dress nice. A lot of pictures will be taken." She said.

"Of corse there will be..." Harry mumbled. I quickly spoke up to prevent her from questioning Harry.

"How did you get my password?" I asked. She patted my cheek which was extremely awkward.

"Oh, sweetie. Don't underestimate us. That could get you in a lot of trouble later on." She didn't give me time to respond before she walked right out of the room.

"She's um a..." I couldn't find the word I was searching for.

"Bitch." Harry said.

"Twot" Louis said.

"All of the above" I said looking down and becoming a bit overwhelmed with what was becoming my new life.

Roses Are Red~ A Larry Stylinson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now