Chapter 3

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From outside the house looked old, but wonderful. It had been built with oak wood and had white pine wooden decorations. Tall, large windows added to the overall style of the house. The wooden fence looked as if it would fall, if a strong wind blew. The trees around gave an eery look to the house.

Airin pushed the fence gate open. There was a squeeky noise from it that echoed as the whole place was silent. The whole area seemed deserted and they hadn't found any living being after they entered the street. Each house in the area was situated on huge estates with most of them not visible from the street.

All of them stepped on to the premises. It was late afternoon. A slow breeze was flowing and few dry leaves were falling off. The ground was a blanket of dry leaves. The only noise they could hear was crushing of the leaves below their feet.

As they neared the house, their hearts were beating faster. None of them said anything. They stopped in front of the door.

Alby stepped forward and raised his hands towards the knob to open the door. But the door opened on its own like someone was waiting for their arrival. Gasps escaped from them. Alby turned back to the others. Jessy's face was white with fear. Fear was evident on others' face too. He tried to hide the odd feeling that he had.

Ryan was the first one to speak. "Let's go back." Jessy nodded. Airin was confused what to say. She had been trying to prove that she was brave.

"If you want, you can go back. I came here determined to find out what's causing this. I am going ahead." saying that Alby entered the house.

Although Ryan was frightened, he didn't want to leave his friend alone so he joined saying "I am coming with you. "

Jessy knew that Airin would follow him and didn't want to be felt left out like every time so she took Airin's hands and entered. Airin was surprised but she was happy. She loved Jessy for supporting her no matter what happened.

The house was dark inside. It took few moments for them to adjust to the darkness. They were in the living area. On the right side, one could see a small dining table. They could see doors to two rooms but the entrances were covered with cobwebs. The whole place was dusty and it made Alby sneeze.

Suddenly the main door to the house closed with a loud noise. They all jumped and turned. They all looked at each other.

"We are not staying here any longer." said Jessica and stormed towards the door. But she stopped abruptly.

The others joined her to see what's wrong. The door didn't have a knob or a handle.

"We are stuck now." Ryan uttered.

"God knows what's going to happen now."said Airin moving closer to him.

"Let's go and find the back door." suggested Alby.

They started moving cautiously. Airin held on to Ryan's arms. They walked towards the kitchen. The kitchen seemed like it was used recently. Unlike the whole house, there was no dust and the place appeared to be clean. There was a knife on the working station. Suddenly Jessy screamed and that brought everyone's attention to the the wall behind them.

There was a writing on it in blood.

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