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Taehyung couldn't be sure how much time had actually passed, but she knew that a huge chunk of the day had consisted of her lying in the back of the van

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Taehyung couldn't be sure how much time had actually passed, but she knew that a huge chunk of the day had consisted of her lying in the back of the van. Thankfully, she wasn't blindfolded, and could see that the sky had darkened quite a bit. The woman driving had stopped about halfway through their journey to get gas and pick up those "wretched" cereal boxes as she so nicely put it. In those few minutes that Taehyung was left alone, she had tried to wiggle her way out of the ropes that were binding her but she was unsuccessful in her attempt and the stranger returned to the black van to find the young mistress still there; bounded and hair ruffled.

Now, hours later, it seemed as if they had finally reached their destination, yet Taehyung couldn't help but feel confused as she was helped out of the van and her legs removed from the bonds. All around her, Taehyung was surrounded with tall trees and cascading vines. Why did the woman stop here of all places?

The woman led her down a dirt path, overgrown and obviously rarely used. Taehyung wondered if she should try and make a run for it, but the harsh grip on her forearm was back and did not seem like it would leave anytime soon. Even if she wasn't being handled with such a tight grip, there was no way that she would be able to find help. Her surroundings seemed to just be a cluster of trees and plants; void from any human civilization, or so she thought.

The trees seemed to give way the further they walked, and she soon found herself staring at a huge building gated off by tall, thick walls. It was a strange sight to see a building of such grandeur in the middle of overgrowth. Taehyung couldn't help but open her mouth in awe as she was maneuvered closer to the building. Sure, the mansion she had occupied for all of her life was bigger, more grandiose and rich, but there was just something almost fairy tale like about this building.

The duo soon reached the gate of the building, the woman quickly punching a code, too fast for Taehyung to comprehend. Taehyung huffed as the gate opened, mad at herself for not memorizing the password. She was soon dragged down a well-kept lawn, complete with fruit trees, and an impressive fountain; such a stark difference from the wild plants that decorated the outside of the gate.

There was not a soul in sight in the garden as the pair walked up to the front door. The only sign that someone was living in the house was the light seeping out of a few of the windows. The older of the two swiftly took out a key from her pocket, opening the door in a few seconds and ushering the younger into the house.

Taehyung blinked her eyes a few times to get used to the bright light that flooded the entrance to the house. A few hanging coats and pairs of shoes gave her an idea of how many people lived here. Her fear that had previously turned into uneasiness was back as strong as ever as she heard voices coming from one of the closed door. The realisation that she had been tricked and taken against her will took over her thoughts as she started shaking with every step that the older woman coaxed out of her, with each step that she took that got her closer to the source of all those voices.

A hand gently rubbed her back in a comforting motion, taking her out of her thoughts. The gesture was unexpected in her current predicament, but very much needed to help her calm down. Looking up at the older woman, she was met with a small smile, warmth practically oozing out. Nodding down at her, almost as if she wanted to reassure her that she would be fine, the woman opened the door, allowing the voices to reach peak volume.

Taehyung was met with five women staring at her. The voices had stopped, leaving only silence in its wake. Taehyung could already feel the fear crawling back up her spine as she looked down at her clasped hands.


The woman who had taken her was the first to speak, the sound of her soothing voice doing wonders to calm her down.

"I'm back from picking up Kim's daughter. I gave Mina the ticket, she has probably left the country by now."

Taehyung was slightly irked at the woman's choice of words. She would hardly call the kidnapping a mere 'pick up'.

"Nice to meet you again, Taehyung."

Taehyung's eyes widened, her head snapping up to the source of the familiar voice. In front of her, was the same girl who was chained in the basement of her father's mansion. Her face was now void of scratches or wounds since the last time she saw her, her hair dyed black and tied in a messy bun. The girl, or Suga as she had told her, was staring at her with those same familiar piercing eyes, but now a smirk was gracing her face. Taehyung barely had time to respond before another voice spoke, this time coming from the other side of the room.

"Why don't you and Kim sit down, Jin? I think we need to explain some stuff to the little one."

The woman who spoke was currently leaning against the wall, her figure tall and lean. Messy dark brown hair framed her face, complete with a pair of combat boots, ripped black jeans and an oversized black sweater.

Jin took her hand and led her to one of the unoccupied sofas, strategically placed with its back facing the tall figure. As soon as she sat down, Taehyung could feel the eyes burning through her back, making her squirm uncomfortably in her seat. The tension in the room was suffocating and Taehyung could only look down at her hands once again to try and calm herself. The person behind her finally moved and the sound of heavy boots made its way in front of her to settle the figure on a seat facing her.

"Now, let me explain some things to you, Kim."

𝕒𝕦𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕣'𝕤 𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕖

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𝕒𝕦𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕣'𝕤 𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕖

First chapter in who knows how long >.< sry about that

Taehyung will be officially introduced to all the members in the next chapter c:

Until then... stream mono to save our ecosystem

 stream mono to save our ecosystem

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2019 ⏰

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