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"In the poem "Dulce et Decorum Est", Wilfred Owen shows us the true reality of war; a very different view from the poem we covered last week

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"In the poem "Dulce et Decorum Est", Wilfred Owen shows us the true reality of war; a very different view from the poem we covered last week. Owen actively took part in war, and to him the horrors he had seen, continued to haunt him post-war. In his "smothering dreams", line 17, Owen sees his late friend, who had died during the war aftering inhaling some poisonous gas-"

Taehyung scribbled down notes while her teacher explained the new poem they were covering. The teacher's voice echoed in the vast room, empty except for a couple of bookcases, some tables and chairs and a multitude of paintings covering the walls. Her lessons were always held here, so she frequently entered the room, yet there was no sign of wear on the desk she was currently sat at, the wastepaper bin was empty as always and the chairs were all tucked into their corresponding tables. The same could be said for all the other rooms in the mansion. Everything looked brand new, never been used. The only room that looked slightly lived in was Taehyung's bedroom, yet even that was always kept pristine and clean. If it wasn't for the clothing filling up the closet or the half-empty bath products in the adjoined bathroom, it would have looked like a guest room.

"-done. For next week, I would like to say a compare and contrast essay between the two war poems we've done so far. There's no word limit, as always."

"Handwritten?" Taehyung asked, writing down the homework given on a sticky note and pasting it down on the front of her notebook.

"Yes, Taehyung," the older of the two said, closing the file in front of her.

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