Coming Home Chapter One

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-Justin's Point Of View-

*Eleven Years Ago*

I looked at Marley. She had a red mark on her face when she came outside. I knew why, her mother was abusive. But I remember this time because it was different. Her mother came out of the house and grabbed her arm turned Marley around and raised her hand to hit her again. But I stopped her only being 6, I stopped her. She was crying and I took her hand and wiped her eyes. I told her "Everythings gonna be alright."

*Flashback over*

I closed the photo album that had pictures from my childhood. My mother walks in the room and says "Sweetie we have to go register you for school." I said "Mom I am still iffy about this. Like are kids going to treat me different now?" Mom just looked at me like she knew something but didn't want to tell me.. so she says "Honey just don't think about that, now let's go." So when she left i ran my left hand through my hair. I put on my purple supras and grabbed my jacket off my bed and headed out the door. Mom was already in the car so I open the door and jump in. She begins to drive it's silent for a few moments. Then she grabs my hand and looks at me "Justin are you sure this is what you want?" I replied, "Yes...I am positive." I say in an unsure voice. Mom just looks away. We pull up to the schools parking lot and being a Saturday it's a good day to come. We go up to the front desk in the office and a secretary with carmel eyes and light brown hair greets us. She says "Welcome to Stratford Secondary School. Mr. Rogers is ready to see you, go ahead, he's down the hall and to the right." He was standing by the door with a smile on his face. "Hello Mr. Bieber, Ms. Mallette. I'm Mr. Rogers, the schools principal, as Mrs. Rose probably told you. We're very glad you chose to come back for your last year and to graduate! Here is your schedule. We will have one of our very best students, Marely Barber, show you around," My eyes widened and my jaw dropped at the name. Marley Barber? "Her locker is right next to yours and you have seven out of your nine classes together, so she should be able to help you and explain everything to you." Mom looked over at me and smiled. "That's great! We know Marley! Justin and her have been great friends since age three. Our families were really close." Mr.Rogers replies "Thats great to hear! Justin, you will be starting school Monday. See you then." Mom and I shake his hand and walk out. Passing through the office and back out the door. I'm very quiet and shocked at the mention of Marley. I haven't seen her in years. In fact, when I had to leave because of the start of my career we weren't even talking. I wonder what she will think of me now? Will she hate me? Does her mother still abuse her? So many questions are running through my mind, I don't even notice that we are now sitting in our driveway.

-Marley's Point Of View-

"Marley's stupid! Marley is fat! Marley has no friends!" all the familiar faces taunt my dreams. One in particular stands out. "Marley is ugly! She has a butt face!" He screams. Everyone follows Justin. Justin is so cool. "Stop it!'' I screamed at them. I start to run but it's never ending. Those words still haunt me. Stupid. Ugly. Fat.

I wake up from my horrible dreams. More like nightmares. "Marley! You have to get up if you want to make it in school in time!' My mother yells up the stairs. I get up and get ready because I'm afraid she'll hit my again. I look in the mirror for a meer second then look away at the thought that I'm not good enough to think I'm pretty. I have deep bags under my eyes from where I can't sleep because of my fears. My face is badly bruised from getting hit. My arms are cut with words of hate. I am not good enough. I never will be. I grab a blue long sleeve shirt and pull it over my head. I grab my favorite pair of skinny jeans with a hole in the knee, and my converse. I get my bag and slide my books in gently. I put on my usual concealer to hide my bruises and put on a little bit of eyeliner and mascara. I head down the stairs and pass my mother hoping she wouldn't do anything. She didn't do anything she stood behind the counter and there was a moment of awkward silence. I noticed all the beer cans on the floor and slightly frowned. "You're principal called. You'll be showing some kid around today. His last name was Bieber." I just nodded and went out the door shutting the door softly behind me. It was pretty hot out today, so I decided to ride the bus. It pulled up a few minutes later. Once I got to school I went to the principal's office. He said, "Go straight to your locker and expect to see Mr. Bieber there. Help him out for his first day or so if needs anything he has been instructed to ask you so I'm just letting you know if your mother or father havn't already." I looked at him and say "Yes sir." Walking out to start my day I head to my locker and open it but nobody was there...yet. A few moments later I heard a very familiar voice that has been taunting me quite often. "Hey, are you Marley?" I turned around to see a very familiar face. Justin Bieber. Justin Bieber was standing right in front of my face.

"Um, yes." I nod. I sadly have to admit he looked very good. He was wearing his hair in the usual way, he had on a black shirt, a black leather jacket, black skinny jeans, gold shoes, a gold chain around his neck and a gold scarf hanging out his back pocket. On a scale from one to ten, he was a twelve.

-Justin's P.O.V.-

I walk through the door already getting looks, and a few smiles and waves. I just keep walking. I find my locker and look beside me there she was...Marley. She looked beautiful, more beautiful than ever, and I was speechless. I say "Hey , are you Marley?" Like I didn't already know. I could tell her eyes were glued to me... man she was so checking me out. Ehh, I'll hold it against her later. After a few moments of silence she nodded her head slowly. "Um, yes." I shoot her a dazzling smile before putting in my locker combination. "So, wheres our first class?" I ask, still facing my locker. "English." She says. I opened my mouth to speak again but was interupted by two familiar voices. ''BIEBER!" They both scream, giving me a bro hug. '' Hey BUDDY!" I screamed. I looked back over at Marley and Chaz whispered to me, "Dude, what were you doing talking to ... her?" I shake my head. "Bro, chill. She has to show me around." He just nodded and I walked towards her again. "Ready to go." She nods her head. "More than ever." Then we start to silently walk to class.

"I have a question." I say, finally breaking the silence.

"What is it?" she says just giving me a glance.

"Why are you wearing long sleeves? It's like, 65 degrees." I ask nodding my head towards her arms.

She looks around before pulling up her sleeves. There were words carved in arms. Hate. Ugly. Fat. Stupid. "Do you remeber? Those words scarred me. You told me I was those everyday in elementary school. Do you even remember me?" she asks, very quietly as a tear slips down her face...


You likey? :D

So, we (Maddie and Abby) decided to make this a joined account and write a story together. (:





~Abbzin and Maddzin ^_^

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