Night terrors

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I was suffocating, I could feel the cold hands around my throat and they were squeezing so hard. I tried to scream but all I could manage was a small wheeze, barely even  loud enough for me to hear. I was fighting and flailing, trying to escape. Needing to escape. I looked into their eyes and saw my reflection looking back at me. I was a wreck. My eyes were red and bulging from lack of oxygen and my hair disheveled from my weak attempts at overcoming him. I looked washed out, the world colored in a brown so dark that they looked black from far away. Stars started to cloud my vision and I had a huge wave of dizziness wash over me; I began to gasp and fight with even more rigor than I had before. I was starting to become light headed and knew I was minutes away from falling unconscious. He knew it too. First I saw his lips curl into a smile then I heard the low rasp of his laugh. In my last attempt at freedom I looked over his shoulder. The one place I had tried so desperately not to look because the pain that tore through my heart was so intense that I thought that I would literally fall to pieces. He betrayed me. He promised me that he would never hurt me yet, here we are. I took in everything about him. His tall and lanky build and his deep chocolate brown eyes that used to hypnotize me with their beauty for hours. I still remember the feel of his lips on mine and the softness of his hands as they caressed my face. I loved him so much that it hurt. Not long after I had made eye contact and he finally realized the pitiful state I was in her joined in with his laughter. Their joint laughs like stone and water. I felt a big hot tear run down my face. I finally gave up fighting then. As I took my last breath of air I whispered the one name closest to my heart."Jes" before I fell into the darkness.

I woke up to a strong pair of arms shaking me awake. I was still scared. Terrified in fact. I was panting as if I had been deprived of oxygen and I refused to open my eyes, afraid of what might be there. I took me a while before I realized that someone was yelling my name. Over and Over again with pain clearly written across it every single time. I snapped my eyes open to find myself engulfed in those very same chocolate eyes, the memory of the dream hitting me so hard that I turned my head to the side in an attempt to hide the tears that I was ashamed of shedding. "Wylan," he said his voice breaking "please Wy. Talk to me! What is it? you where thrashing and screaming like someone was trying to kill you." When I still refused to face him I felt him crawl on top of me, his long legs straddling my waist as he leaned closer to my face. I felt him caress the side of my face with such a gentleness I felt my heart break. "Wy? Please look at me. Look at me!" He cried. I suddenly froze when I feel a tear drop onto my cheek. I turned my head slowly to face him, too shocked to do anything else.

I was speechless as I watched the delicate drops cascade down his face. Almost absent mindlessly I reached up and brushed my knuckle gently across his cheekbone. "Oh Jes. Jes I'm so sorry. I-" I broke off not quite knowing how to explain what I had been through. He'll probably be mad at me for it. For allowing my mind to even entertain those thoughts. "Talk to me Wy. Let me help you. Please." The desperation was clear in his voice so I took in a long breath of air and explained what hed happened. "I was back on that ship. The one from the ice court job. It was me, you and Kaz..." I turned my eyes to the wall just to the side of his head so I wouldn't have to watch his face when the mortification of what my mind had concocted finally settled. Once I had explained what had happened I looked down at his chest, not quite ready to meet his eyes yet, to see the judgement that would likely lie in them. "It wasn't sop much the dream itself that hes made me so upset, it was something else. It wasn't dying. It wasn't Kaz. It was you." and with that I finally allowed myself to look in his eyes. But I was surprised to see that it wasn't judgement that I saw there but instead pain and hurt. "why?" That was all he said. It seemed to me like that was all he could say. "It was the betrayal. The fact that you chose Kaz over me and just let me to die without even feeling the slightest bit of remorse. I guess it was something that has always been sitting in the back of my mind. I just didn't notice it until now." His eyes hardened at this and he griped my face with both hands forcing me to look him dead in the eye "Listen to me Wylan Van Eck. I will never leave you. Even if you wear halfway around the world and I had no way to get to you I will always find a way. I would walk to you if I had no other way. I love you Wylan. Never think that I would every chose anyone over you, ever." I felt how much he meant it. It pulsed through me like electricity. Saints he loved this man so much. I sniffed then raised one of my eyebrows "walk to me? wow you must really love me." He laughed at that.

"Well maybe not walk but I would definitely find a way to get to you, I'm afraid walking on water is not one of my special powers." I just smirked at him.

"And what special powers would they be?"

"Wouldn't you like to know..." I felt myself blush ridiculously at that and my eyes widen in shock whilst Jesper just sat there and smirked that evil smile of his. Then before I could even comprehend what was happening he leaned down and kissed me with such passion that the world just fell away. And just like that all my fears vanished. Saints, he really was amazing.

A/N: Sorry guys I had no access to the internet for a while. I hope you like it. It was just a thought I had in passing I mean if Inej and Kaz both have trauma's why can't Wylan...

Anyway thanks guys your comments mean a lot to me!!!!

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