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'Love does not exist, there is no such thing as love. There for there is no sadness, that's what I used to think.... until I met [Name]....'

Within the darkness a pair of pale slender arms reached out to him.


"It's going to die! Give it to me!" A young blonde boy said as he clutched onto the black shirt of another boy.

"No!" The other boy with raven black hair said as he clutched the cardboard box closer to his chest.

"Give me it!" The blonde said again.

The ravenette only shook his head vigorously.

Inside the box contained a bloodied and battered kitten, it's black fur barely clung to it's small body. It's shallow breathing came out ragged and shook the kitten's entire body with each tortured breath.

Suddenly the blonde pulled out a box cutter from the back pocket of his light blue shorts.

"Let me kill it!" He said.

"No! No you can't!" The ravenette defended once again.

"Why?! Why can't I?"

In all justice, the kitten was suffering. The blonde would've given it a quick and painless death, but the ravenette was a naïve child.

'People despised me...and you were a cry baby.'


The young boy let out hallow sobs as he hunched over the box containing the now deceased kitten.

"Why do you cry?" Came a quite, soft spoken voice the ravenette did not recognize.

His teary light brown eyes moved towards the figure of a girl.

She wore a white gown that reached just above her knees, the gown was soaked from the rain and mud stained the bottom of it. Long silver white hair reached just down to her waist and deep apathetic blue eyes bore holes into his form.

She took a few steps closer towards the box before peering in at the limp creature.

"You knew it was going to die, why do you cry?" Came another voice from behind them. The silver haired girl turned to meet another pair of icy blue eyes.


The sky was clear and the sun was warm, bugs hummed lightly in the distance on the track field as the runners crouched down and got ready for the race.

"On your mark....gets set....."

A gun was fired singling the race has started and instantly all the racers took off.

"Miko's boobs are bouncing like crazy!" Came the voice of a boy in the bleachers.

"Your a real pervert dude..." Came his friend beside him.

You rolled your icy blue eyes at the two males that sat below you.

'I guess boys will be boys...' you thought to yourself as you scrowled through your phone on various social media accounts, tuning out the conversations the two boys in front of you were having.

That's when a notification from someone you hadn't heard from in the past 2 months.

Opening up the the text app a light smile spread across your lips as you read the message.

Ryo♥️: [Name] I'm coming home, I'll pick you up after school. I have something important I need to tell you.


"Oh! There you are!" Came the voice of Miki, a short brown haired mixed girl with bright green eyes, behind her followed Miki 2nd or "Miko." A girl with long auburn hair and dark brown eyes.

The two girls approached you and your child hood friend and foster brother, Akira Fudo.

School was now over and the four of you were walking away from campus.

"You know..." Miki started, "my parents would buy you a phone." She said looking towards your foster brother. "Don't be so nervous around them," she teased.

"I won't use it much though," he replied.

"You could join the track group chat," she added. "Oh! And clear the history when you watch porn on my Dad's computer."

Akira's eyes widen in shock and bewilderment as you stifled a laugh.

"What?! Your watching stuff like that in the living room?" Miko teased.

Miki suddenly stopped causing the group to turn back and look at her.

"I got to go do something, gonna go by the back roads," she said as she departed from the group.

"I know you probably won't want to go by car but please be careful! It's dangerous down there!" Miko called to her.

"I promise I won't be home late! See ya!" Miki called out as she waved at the group.

"Yeah I just remembered I have a ride..." You spoke up as you departed from the group as well.

It wasn't long before a fast all white sports car pulled up beside you.

The tinted windows rolled down to reveal a familiar blonde male with icy blue eyes.


Just for clarification, reader-chan's natural hair color is silver white but she dyes it whatever hair color you have- unless it is white😂

Also I haven't seen too many Ryo x reader stories out there so that's kinda the reason why I'm writing this- but also because I love Ryo 😥🙏👌💦

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