Chapter 11: The calm before the storm

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"My eyes will be on the enchantress of track-and-field, Miki Makimura, Japans first female under 11 seconds in the loo-meter, she's also huge on social media among high school girls. She's already a fan favorite, with a great personality who is also really cute." The voice comes from all directions as it's blared out from the speakers on the field and stadium. "And now, i pass the baton to Ryo and the first Japanese to break the 10-second barrier, for a conversation with another phenom, the track-and-field superstar Koda."

Ryo and Koda suddenly show up on screen and Ryo's the first to speak.

You, on the other hand, remain off screen and silent as you watch the two interact.

"When i see you run, i feel like i'm watching a creature that's not human."

"That's supposed  to be a compliment, right?" Koda asks not too sure of Ryo.

"Of course," Ryo lied. "Are you on a strict diet?"

"No, not really."

"I see. well, then...." you hand Ryo the water bottle you meamnt to give Koda earlier in the dressing room. " about a drink? It's one of your sponsors beverages." Ryo was quick to reassure Koda.

"Just look at the camera and take a sip," you told Koda. You honestly weren't all that sure why you were helping Ryo, sure he was your boyfriend. But he was possibly about to start a WW3 with revealing demons existence.

"I appreciate your cooperation," there was a malevolent glint in his icy blue hues as Koda drank the drink.


Fire works were set off as the booming voice from earlier resonates throughout the speakers.

"It has finally started! The pinnacle of high-school athletics, Koshien Track and Field! All theories aside, today's star is the super high-schooler with five youth records Moyuru Koda."

You, Ryo and Ryo's business partner (let's just call him Matt) were up in a private booth where screen's to all the stations could be viewed on different screens.

"You can switch to the static camera here," Matt explained as he dragged the mouse on screen to a chart of different camera's, clicking on a few to show how to switch them.

"There's a lot of over sea access," you commented as you handed over the computer screen displaying the live video footage.

"That's the power of Koda, i guess." Matt said as he, for once, acknowledged your existence.


"As an exhibition, we have a special 4-person race. A mixed 4-by-100-meter relay. What's special is that Koda, in the first lane, will run the whole race by himself. Let's see how four normal high-schoolers fame against a super high-schooler."

You and Ryo sat next to each other as the two of you watched the race.

A tall beautiful brunette steps out onto the field wearing a pink swim suit with matching heels, she waves and smiles at the crowd as their cheering gets louder.

"Please welcome the star of the upcoming drama Drug Lady, Ayumi!" Matt announces into the speaker as the runners take their positions on the field.

Ayumi puts on a head set and holds up a flare gun to the sky.

"Get set!" She waited a moment for a sort of dramatic effect before firing the gun, almost instantly the racers take off.

"Koda explodes off the block!" Matt yells in the microphone.

"An amazing opening sprint!" You commit to Ryo as he, premenstrual, types away at his laptop.

"This is classic Koda. He doesn't hold back, even in an exhibition." Ryo reply's.

Miko suddenly is right on top of Koda's heels but it isn't long until she reaches Miki. As soon as she hands Miki the running stick, however, Akira takes it and runs off to Koda.

"Fudo from Kamioka Academy has caught up. But...he's supposed to be the anchor," Matt says in the mic.

Ryo, who's sitting next to you, reaches out a pale slender hand to his iPad as he begins to connect in to the big screens on the field.

And just like that, everything goes to shit.

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