Agustin. Precise.
Kristoff. Clever.
Tulip. Passionate.
All infamous thieves, known for their knowledge of all surroundings and escape routes. Lusting for the Umbra, mainly for financial gains.
Mortrella. Extreme.
Habató. Loving.
Ghost. Mysterious.
A group of terrorists, trying to set their anti-gambling foundation in motion, using any means necessary.
Officer Lyon. Naive.
Officer Sparks. Lazy.
Commissioner Ramsay. Lustful.
A group of police keeping Gamplin in order on the night of a rumored murder. Although one wants to know the true story of their father, who died at a camp mysteriously.
Cathy. Crazy.
Berry. Determined.
Both wanting to find Berry's daughter and the Umbra, a mishandled artifact that they think they can use to discover the past more effectively.
"Bloodrain." Effective.
Wanting to kill Kristoff for how he treated her at the cafe, choosing to save Tulip instead of her. She's also after Commissioner Ramsay, for the probably true allegations against him.
All in the city of Gamplin on the same night. All needing to do something important in their heads.
Of course, only time can tell (Or has told) what happens, who dies, who succeeds, and who gets what they want.
And you, the reader, are the one who learns about this tragic, yet exciting night.
Fall Night Heist
AcciónFor 19 years, Agustin, Kristoff and Tulip were world-class thieves and best friends. Until a fateful Halloween night that them and 4 other teams go into the city of Gamplin. All with different agendas, but all ending up the same. Except one. Book 3...