"Lady Hermione & Voldemort: Last Riddle family " story all completed.
New beginning pure-blood witch mixed follower two twin sisters togethers - telling a spell creatures by knowledge secret of Hermione teach many generation great-granddaug...
Preview: "She ain't follow order tell them, how it happened The Dark Lady? Nothing... but that LOVE ... Tom (Lord Voldemort) " voice Maria with niece Alba III were worrying avoid stranger three ghost corpse face.
~~<<>>~~~<<>>~~ Death of Moiari POV:
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The White Moiari three witches veil wood crown-cover faces within long white grey dress were touch old spinner wheel a lot web without yarn ball emptiness. Who you are? Why you want to know about us? How are not meet you side of Granger family? Haha, it not record case oldest history completed inside hide one missing pages. Where you would be search three member family? I see trouble on the way ... bad times today? Do not go around to night, bound take your lives. thereafter bad nightmare on blood moon by the rise. And wish believe in a book like sun or moon. After all time , always with long years. Innocent she does suffer drove me calming and support Granger under Riddle and their teams together. Dark Lady side of chosen anytime. Any girls can understood, what Dark Lady decline fall love in with Lord? Not, pain darkness that is lived. Remember you had secret mind set spirit us... coming!!
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(Young woman was innocent smile around unknown years age). "Almost century, I felt to hope and so relieved through you weren't going show up.." voice child girl was fire candle handle show front of two girls chuckling ".. I sent three released, flame red, orange, and blue all mixed magic disappeared" whisper Shadow Quietly feel raise eyebrow front of three of girls handle magic. "Impression your mind and body.." soft voice, Gin was gulp whispered. "our back soul through a good hearting" voice child girl Stella give smile pimple cheekbone more chuckling. "Correct, Misses" voice interrupt, Shadow Quietly feel nodded to left meadow the rain drop lakes five miles by old oak tree like portal secret of temple.