The Florence and the Machine - "100 years"
"Versas" - Olafur Arnalds
Preview: "There is no plague in old ancient temple, however the witches trouble is worse than the nothing their separate deal. It's common, especially in unknown area from old old temple lost Atlantic ocean smallest provinces. God protects yet, it's true that there are witches in spirit lands and that is story." Book of unknown, secret of Grangers, empty century.
In time ago, oldest three women and corpse veil cover face like sculpture space a lost temple ocean under cave still thereby who we are women been waiting past years? Yes, Gin, Stella, and Paula were darkest spirit dance look up the light moonlight skies.Chanting, new spell bound unknown incarnation Gin and Stella become difficult hands magic touch two half face mirror inside calm quietly control whispering a eerily groan sound a dying meadow.
Paula was surprise smirk smiled saying "Gin and Stella... are you hear me? How you feels change?" hand spell water and fire mixed.
Bit little giggle, Gin was nice give some what option say"Yes ... I had good control touch able your choice?" front of mistress stared now.
"Gin..." calling, Paula feel gasp wonder it.
"Do not hesitate eyes, it is importance.." voice Stella was interrupt talk her.
"Stella, I could not scary what you did repeat for?" say heavy brave what Paula try face to face her.
"Ridiculous, easy to creative spoke spells..." whisper Gin feel bit little clear throated.
"If you want to join become evil redemption?" say Stella want to forgiveness it.
"Go ahead, Paula" nod, Gin can do it front of her.
"Sister, do not hurt me" say, Paula was nervous awkwardly.
The two sisters face stand by her saying "Rest, bit little breath out.." wind whooshing touch hands right now.
Groaning, cold body "Okay... three, two, one—" voice Paula was shriek touch her hand become all spirit body change to evil woman inside heart ashes. Wait minutes, close eyes through darkness to darkness black cover with red eyes feeling is creepy vein black cheekbone, and gasping look up the moonlight song a sing unknown from unknown A.D.And she did heart beat re-born heart darkness as blood vein through memory eyes had vanish fog the four women of white witches dance hand holding circle stand by center first witch Moirai look forward stare my mind set vision vivd — that is soft smile giggle the white flower meadow behind man is first taken young woman.
"Hey?! What are you doing now?" calling, stick wood crack his foot shoes by flower meadow fall it!!
"Dance our practice traditional, Miché" voice Freya was smile hand handle get up his nodded.
"Before your friend would dance of old traditional night right?" Whisper clear throat his shame talk her so concern now.
"Yes, that is exactly" whisper Iris told him so expect minutes.
"Iris.." say, Freya is surprise stop her friendship curious right now.
"Why do not you fall love with him so sweet?" say, Iris beg him next to Freya back push it!!?
"Haha" voice her friend's Phonix, Aleecia and Pandora bit little lighter laugh quietly.
"Shh... he will knew it" whisper Freya stare them.
Left side of "Come on, Freya" interrupt to say Iris blush face.
"Say it?" voice, Phonix is stare him so light nod.
Front of knee he begging with lover woman says "Will you marry me? Freya" touch hands holding.
"Yes.. I feel to happy" voice she was tears light nod and kiss so romance together than her friend were shocking.
"Aww!!" her friends had exciting it. Giggling so first love deep inside "Go let walk to — home..." couple together, Freya with Miché walk go to home around fifty miles on temple community.
3. "Lady Hermione & Lord Voldemort: A Untold of Generation Riddle"
FanfictionPreview: "Lady Hermione & Voldemort: Last Riddle family " story all completed. New beginning pure-blood witch mixed follower two twin sisters togethers - telling a spell creatures by knowledge secret of Hermione teach many generation great-granddaug...