{Chapt. 6}Pushed off the bed

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Bill's POV

PineTree fell asleep in a matter of seconds. I peeked over to see his adorable face. I mean..... peaceful! Yeah, not adorable, peaceful. Obviously........

I laid back down, my face warm. These human emotions are so......... annoying? I dunno.

He frowns and curls up. I go closer to him, pulling him into my arms, hoping to give him some comfort. He snuggles into my stomach.

My face was warmer than before. I was probably 'sick' or whatever it was that humans call it. PineTree continued to stay close to me. It was.........cute.

No! No. PineTree was not cute. Well, he was but......augh! Human emotions are so frustrating. I felt myself drift off. Everything got blurry and dark as I fell asleep with PineTree in my arms.

***The next morning***

My vision came back into focus as I opened my eye. Eyes. Keep forgetting. I have two eyes.

I feel something squirm in my arms, and see PineTree. My face gets really hot as I see him.

He was starting to wake up, and I froze. Oh boy. His eyes open and he sees me.

I hear his screach and then I land on the floor with a loud thud. He pushed me! "Ouch........"

I sit up slowly. My back throbbing.
I rub my back, trying to stop the throbbing. "Damn kid......"

I hear him facepalm. I glance up to see him drag his hand down his face. I look back down. He must've gotten angry.....

"Sorry Bill. You surprised me....." I look up at him, shocked that he spoke to me. I kind of just sat there, dumbfounded.

He rubbed the back of his neck, obviously feeling awkward about my staring. I inwardly face palmed.

"It's fine....." I looked down as I said this, my face cooling down. What was up with me? I'm supposed to know everything, yet here I am. More clueless than ever.
I felt PineTree's eyes on me as I stared at the floor. I wonder what my expression showed..... Whatever, it doesn't matter.

He held his other arm by his chest. Last night he had to get it splinted, because of breaking the table. I'm still not sure why he broke the table, I only know he wanted to destroy something....He probably doesn't want me to know...

I glanced at him again, he had started fidgeting with the gauze on his legs. My stomach made that growling noise again. "Wanna get some 'food' PineTree?"

I stare into his eyes, waiting for his answer. A small smile appears on his face, causing my face to warm up a little. "Sure Bill, but first. We have to get ready for the day."

I tilt my head, confused. Didn't meatsacks just stay in the same clothes and get on with life? It might be better to ask.
"You have to change clothing?"

PineTree chuckles, shaking his head. "Of course Bill. Otherwise you're gonna get pretty smelly........which is why you shower and wash your clothes."

I stare at him for a moment.
"What in the multi-universe is a 'shower'? Is it another meatsack thing?"

He raises an eyebrow, a look of disbelief on his face. I glanced around the room, then went back to looking at him. His expression turned into one of shock as he realized I didn't actually know. I know, I really don't know much meatsack stuff. Don't judge me.

"Bill......you don't know what a shower is?" I shook my head. He gaped for a moment, then closed his mouth.

He just stared at me. "H-hey! Don't look at me like that, I'm new at this! You try being a demon for most of your life and suddenly having a physical meatsack body.....it's...... confusing to be honest." I look at the floor boards, a frown forming upon my lips.

Confusing. That seemed like an understatement. Honestly it was a huge mess. My face gets warm around PineTree and my heart beats loudly. And then, there's this weird tickly feeling in my stomach. I was talking about it with ShootingStar, since she seemed to understand feelings.
Her reaction to that was kind of funny, she started squealing. And then we heard PineTree downstairs. Where he broke the table.......oh well.

I shake my head, shaking away my thoughts. My eyes drift up to PineTree, who was biting his lip. He looked really........ nervous? No, that's not the right word. Anxious.

Did......did I make him anxious? PineTree frowns. I.....did I make him frown? Was PineTree unhappy because of me? I looked down and started to fidget with the red tshirt PineTree had given me. (He's also wearing gray sweatpants. Okay, continue)

"S...sorry PineTree......" I glance at him, chewing on my bottom lip. After a bit a metallic flavor fills my mouth.
He stays quiet, and I begin digging through his thoughts.

'Why is Bill apologizing to me? He didn't do anything....... basically. But still, he didn't do anything to me this morning. I'm the one who caused issues. I pushed him off the bed! And he actually fell.....and hurt himself..... because of me..... But back to the point! Why was he apologizing to me??'

I sigh. "PineTree, just shush. I want some food now and I can change later."

He raised an eyebrow, confused at first. Then his expression became one of anger. "Bill. Hehe..." His laugh sounded malicious. He tackled me, springing off the bed. "Stay outta my thoughts!"

I crumpled underneath his wait, yelping. This was scary, especially PineTree's actions. Absolutely terrifying. I held my arms above my face, trying to protect myself. Earlier only was my back throbbing, now my back, neck and head throbbed.
There was also strange and annoying ringing noise that wouldn't go away.

I uncover my face and see PineTree, on top of me. It was an 'akward position'. As meatsacks called it.
I notice his face turns red as he realizes the way he was sitting on me. Due to his face being red, my face warmed up.

He stumbled up quickly. "S-sorry Bill....." I just sit there, my heart making a steady ba-thump, ba-thump noise. My face felt like it was gonna burn to a crisp, but I felt no pain. And there was no fire. What was this?.

Sorta. Sorry it's shorter than before but I felt bad about being sick. So, here you go.
Bill and his confusing emotions.
Poor Dorito. And his poor PineTree.
Who accidentally landed in a.....odd position..
Anyways, I'll continue writing the next chapter. Hopefully I can post again soon.
Be happy, please. About life.
Well, gotta go.


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