Christians are called to give up our burdens and give them to the one who was sacrificed. We are called to put down our baggage and take up the cross. I serve a loving God, but his wrath is real. If you want to be a Christian, there is no formal induction to it. Being a Christian means you understand that Jesus is Lord, he put your stupid mistakes, your temptation, your idiocy in the grave, and then he conquered them. When you sin, you have to ask yourself if you are sorry you sinned, or if you are sorry you got caught. Were you truly guilty after you sinned, or are you only guilty because someone caught you? Jesus is the only person who can save you from your sins, so why do you resist? Jesus is the only savior. He lived a PERFECT life. He died the death we deserved to die. He conquered the enemy we couldn't conquer. When you confess with your mouth and believe with your heart, that you are SAVED by the ONE TRUTH, the ONE LIFE, the one WAY, then you know and rest in your security that you have been saved by Jesus.
When Jesus died, the ground shook, the 4 inch thick wall in the church, separating the prophets from the common people, tore. God's perfect love couldn't be overcome with sin. When Jesus died, sin had lost its power. When Jesus rose from the dead, death had then lost its sting. Jesus rose from the grave VICTORIOUSLY.
Now why do we need deliverance from this "sin?" Why did God leave us in sin? If God truly loved us, he wouldn't leave us in sin, right? Nope. God left us in sin, because if He didn't, then we wouldn't need a savior. If God didn't leave us in sin, then we would have the tendency to give ourselves the glory for our work. Being a Christian isn't easy. And God warns us about that. God doesn't want to watch us hurt, but He knows that the only way we will grow spiritually is to hurt and go through pain. We needed a savior because we needed to see and personally witness the depth of God's love for us.
There are many people who grow up in the church, memorizing the Bible stories, listening to the topical studies done in youth group, but not many people realize the depth of Christianity until it is too late.
Did you know that even demons know who God is? Did you know that even they tremble at the sound of Jesus name? Just His name makes the enemy tremble. What does it do to you?
The Cage and the Key
SpiritualWhat is fear? Why does fear last longer than any other human emotion out there? You can be angry or upset at someone in the morning, and forgive them by the afternoon. What about Stress? Why are fear and stress so much alike? Does stress cause fe...