Oops, sorry.

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I throw my skating bag into my trunk of my car, which had finally been fixed and we had got it back on Sunday. I was running a little bit late because I had to shower off at the arena. I hated morning practices more then anything in the world.

I shove my key into the ignition and start the car. It was about seven thirty now and school didn't start till eight thirty but it takes me almost an hour from the arena to the school. I just love life.

If I was going to be late for first period, which was English I might as well stop at Starbucks. So that was what I did, not forgetting to pick up a drink for April, because she'd be pissed at me.

I pulled up to the school and I was fifteen minutes later. I throw my Starbucks in the trash passing the halls and swiftly slide into English class.

Our teacher was nice on expecting us being late, especially since we have her class first thing in the morning. But especially for me, because I'm the soon to be Olympian. I set the frap on April's desk as I sit down beside her.

Thank you she mouths and I flash her a thumbs up.

The rest of the day went be normally, me trudging through the day, tired as usual. I had a late practice last night and an early one this morning. All I wanted to do was go home and sleep, but school was a priority for me.

It always has been, I'm lucky to get free education. Not many people have that.

As I open the door to let myself and the rest of my chemistry class out I almost hit a boy.

"Oops, sorry about that. These doors are awfully heavy and yes I totally almost killed you"

"No worries"he smiles.

"Oh your the new boy"I move my binder higher up. "The Harrington one. I met you at the country club"

"Yea Harrington, I mean we didn't formally meet so I'm West"he extends his hand. I shake it.

"Melody Michelson"

"Cute name, for a cute girl"I roll my eyes as we walk side by side.

"So how you fitting in? Glamorous hun?" I tease.

"Yea that's the word. It's a lot more glamorous then my one back in California" I slowly nod.

"So I'm really hoping my brother invited you to come sit with us at lunch?" I bit my lip. He chuckles.

"Yea, no worries"

"Thank Jesus" I whisper "I'll see ya later then rookie"he rolls his eyes with a soft chuckle as I walk the other way.

"Your running late?" Dylan asks as he leans off my locker.

"You'll never guess who I ran into"He raises his eyebrows, unamused.

"The rookie"

"The rookie? Like West?" I nod as I swing my locker open. "I met him today, your brother was showing him around"

"He was?" That was new, Mitch would never singlehandedly do that just for being nice. I think my brother is buttering him up.

"Yea he told me his coach put him up to it"and there comes the truth.

"Ok that sounds like Coach"he nods.

"How was practice?"

"Despite me getting up at the crack of dawn, I would say just fine"I slam my locker shut.

"Always a trooper" I shrug. "Come on, I'm hungry" he throws an arm over my shoulder.

"I still can't believe that your the only junior to grab a spare for fourth period"I laugh.

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