Nine - Out of my league

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Ree’s POV

“When are we all actually going out then?” I inquire, whilst lounging on their sofa.

“We were meant to have gone already.” Harry frowns.

I look across the room to the clock beside the cabinet, it is 9:05. Jesus. Me, Harry and Louis have been watching TV for over an hour.

“Well what’s been holding us up?”

“Perrie and Zayn.” Louis answers, but his eyes remain glued to the football match playing out on the large screen before him.

“Who’s Perrie?” I raise a brow, looking between the two men.

“Zayns…well, I don’t know.” Harry shrugs, as does Louis.

I laugh, “what do you mean, you don’t know?”

“I mean, they aren’t in a relationship... They’re just f*cking. Neither of them want the commitment or hassle, but you can tell they do both have feelings for eachother, however much they continue to deny it.” Harry chuckles.

“So he wanted her to come with us tonight?”

“Obviously, but she’s around here so much anyway that she would have come whatever Zayn wanted.” Louis adds.

“Where are they then?”

“That’s the question we’ve wanted answering for the past hour.” Harry sighs.

And as if that were literally their cue, the door then clicks open and two voices are heard, one laughing deeply, the other giggling slightly.

Zayn, and the pretty blonde girl I saw him with yesterday enter the living room. He is in a plaid shirt with a white vest beneath, and grey jeans. She, I presume to be Perrie, wears a thick-strapped, tight black v-neck dress. I feel slightly relieved that she also made an effort with her outfit.

“What are you lazy shits doing lying around? We have places to be.” Zayn laughs, as he grabs the beer Louis had previously been drinking, before taking a swig.

“Where the hell have you been?” Harry scowls.

“We got caught up.” Zayn shrugs.

“In what? Traffic or bed?” Louis scoffs.

“Both.” Zayn replies coolly. I feel my mouth open slightly, surprised at how open he is on their bedroom activities, and the fact Perrie did not scold him at all. Harry and Louis seem unaffected by his remark, as if used to it.

“Let’s go then.” Harry encourages, and we exit the flat swiftly and pile into his Range Rover.


At first, when I had arrived at the apartment earlier and Harry had told me we would be joined by a few others this evening, I had been incredibly anxious. But now I have spent some time with Zayn, Perrie and Louis I am immensely pleased they also came.

I laugh as I watch Louis speaking to what must be the seventh girl in the space of an hour.

“He really wants to get laid.” Harry laughs as he takes a seat at the bar next to me, on return from the toilet.

“You can tell.” I giggle, before turning to take in Harry’s slightly dishevelled and sweaty appearance caused by the heat in the club, but he is still equally as attractive.

I then spot Zayn and Perrie on the dance floor, spinning and moving together. They’re smiling wildly and they both have a look in their eyes of deep longing.

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