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dear yukhei,

i'm writing this letter

because i know i won't make it.

because i know by the time you

read this i'll be gone,

gone far away.

i guess i never could build up

the courage to tell you how i

really felt because i was scared,

scared that you would stray away

from me.

i didn't want to loose you.

i hope this piece of paper

will be able to convey to you

the feelings that i kept bottled up

inside me and

all the words that were unable to roll

off my tongue.


i don't really have much confidence in this book because i'm still pretty new to writing and i've never written anything like this but i really hope you guys like it.

also the chapters are in the form of letters and each chapter is a different letter.

dear yukhei → lucas.Where stories live. Discover now