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yukhei closed the last letter as warm liquid dripped from his eyes. his feet couldn't hold him anymore and he fell to the ground weeping.

tugging at his hair as he let the tears stream down his face he wondered why he had been so stupid? how could he not see that the one who truly loved him had always been next to him?

he regretted not being there for her, he regretted fighting with her, he regretted it all. when he heard that taehee was gone, he felt the walls close in on him. his chest was heaving with pain.

"taehee wanted you to have this." her sister had said as she handed him the box filled with letters.

after reading them he was numb, numb to all the other feelings but regret. the only thing he felt was the suffocating feeling of drowning in regret.

but he couldn't do anything about it now. after all you only realise the value of something once you lose it. all he wished was for to see her just one more time, to tell her how sorry he was and to tell her how much he loved her.

but he couldn't. she was gone and never coming back.

his lips twisted into a small but sad smile as he saw the polaroid picture at the end of the last letter. it was of him and her taken on his birthday. she was grinning as she spread the icing of the cake across yukhei's face. he could give up so much just to go back to those days.

because now all he had left were the memories of her.


now that this book has officially come to an end now i wanna thank every single person who read this! thank you guys so much for all the support i honestly love everyone one of you so much.

fun fact - i got the idea for this book before taking a nap. so after the nap i woke up and wrote the whole book in one go and then cried for a good thirty minutes because it was so sad.

so that's it for this book. feel free to check out my other works. till then goodbye!

dear yukhei → lucas.Where stories live. Discover now