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Delirious POV
I wake up
Haha no nightmares.. thats odd...
I usually get nightmares of people chasing me and calling me names... just Cause im gay ...
Sighhh why did it have to be like this
I take a turn to my left to see vanoss
What is he doing next to me..?
I see him open his eyes and blink a few times..
"Good morning.." he says in a low deep voice
"G-good morning.. w-what a-are you doing h-here..?" I ask
He gives me a confused look and gets up quickly
He looks around the room realizing its mine..
he lays down again.
"I honestly dont know." He says
"OH WAIT.. i uh came to check on the room and you were asleep.. crying.. and yelling little whimpers.." he says looking concerned
"Then..?" I asked..
"I tapped your shoulder to wake you up but instead you grabbed my whole arm and brought me into your bed." He says
"... oh.. im sorry.." i said looking at the bed
"Its okay.. just that i was very uncomfortable... until you uh.. did something unexpected...
That made me fall asleep cause there was no escape from it." He said
"...what did i do?.." i asked nervously
"You gave me a hug." He said
Silence just hit the room.
I feel my face heating up under the mask
"I mean its okay.. Just a question.. Why were you whimpering..?" He asked concerned
"Uh.. I - i had a nightmare heheh..." i said nervously
"... You sure?" He asked
"Yeah.." i said
"Okay.. im gonna go shower cya!" He said getting up and leaving
"C-cya.." i said
How.. did i stop dreaming that nightmare all of the sudden..
I thought for what it seemed like 3 mins until i got up and went to go shower.
Vanoss POV
I was done showering, I want downstairs made some breakfast since it was 8 AM I walked around the house looking on how i actually got so lucky that i had enough money to buy this house.
Mmm i wonder where the rest are.
I sat there and ate and i called delirious to come eat
"DELIRIOUS!!!" I yelled
I yelled his name a few times and decided to go up stairs .
What the hell is keeping his ass in his room?
Delirious POV
I was showering and thinking about vanoss's hot bodyyy...
ahhh vanossss
I started to jerk my member ( this is the word peeps use these days? LOL RIP)
Slowly and a bit faster...
"V-vanoss.. vanoss..." i said moaning
Vanoss POV
I was walking into his room realizing he is showering
"Hey delir-" i was cut off by him
"Ohhh van- vanosss..." he said moaning it out..
W-what is he doing..
I peeked in through the door and saw his ass on the shower floor while jerking his member (JESUS)
I stood there in shock.. noticing that i got hard
I- i cant get hard by this.. delirious is a boy...
I said rubbing the lump in my pants
Wait.. why is he moaning my name...
I bit my lip..
Is he gay for me?...
I thought for a second and the lump went away after some rubbing..
I should scare him hehe.. i should slam the door open and then act like i caught him doing something naughty ;)

I got ready to pretend that I noticed him at the moment..
Delirious POV
I look back to see vanoss having a shocked face
"UHH V-VANOSS? .." i said in shock
"why were you yelling my name..?" He asked confused
"Uh.. uh.." I stuttered
He looked at my body.. for a minute
"H-hey!! Stop l-looking!" I said covering my body
"S-sorry" he said and covered his eyes.
I got out and rapped a towel around my waist
To cover half of my body))
"Y-you can look n-now" i said nevously
He uncovers his eyes
"So do you have an ahem Explanation?.." he said
"Uh.. vanoss ... i-im.." i took a deep breath after saying that...
"Im g-gay..." i said looking at the ground..
"O-oh..." he said
"You're gonna probably hate me now" i said covering my eyes and starting to cry
"Nononono..." he said coming close to me and putting his hands on my shoulders.
"I would never hate you.." he said hugging me
I cried on his shoulder for some minutes
My towel fell to the floor and i am hugging vanoss naked...
"Uhm..." he said stuttering..
"Uhh.. c-can you look away.." i said nervously he covers his eyes again
I crouch and grab the towel
I slip with the water on the floor from the shower
Third POV
Delirious slips on the water and pushes vanoss to the floor
"O-oww.." vanoss says still with his eyes closed
"S-sorry" delirious says nervously
Delirious gets up and admires vanoss's hot body
He blushes and grabs the towel and gets off him
"I just realized that i might have left your clothes wet... sorry." Delirious said
"Its okay.. ill change" vanoss said taking off his shirt revealing half of his sexy body.
Delirious stares and zones out.
"Del.. del.. DELIRIOUS." Vanoss says noticing that del wont stop staring at his body.
"Uh WHAT.. Sorry zoned out.." delirious said scratching the back of his neck
"Zoned out on my body..?" Vanoss says smirking and moving his hips..
"N-no..." delirious says..
"For sureeee.." vanoss says laughing and walking away.
Wildcat POV
I woke up with weight on top of me. Not so heavy, Not so light. But just okay.
I tried to move , but i couldnt
"Mmm stop.. stop moving..." i heard a voice say.
"Mini?" I look up to see him on top of me sleeping like an angel.
I blush.
"Dude! Wake up we gotta go to vanoss's hou-" i got cut off
"Shhh just a few more minutes...." mini said in a tired voice
"Mm okay... but its not my fault im gonna be late." I said putting my head back down.
Ding ding*
My phone ringed ..
"M-mini can i g-get my phone?.." i asked
"No.." he said
"Please? It might be vanoss asking where we are..." i said
"No, until i wake up." He said
"But you are awake." I said.
"Shush! I need more minutes of sleep time" he said
"Ugh, fine." I said
I get two more messages probably from important people.. but i just cant lose this moment with mini on my chest...
So.. warm..
ding ding ding*
Apparently i got more messages that i noticed after i laid there thinking about mini.
I see mini get up and i felt cold air hit my chest from where he was laying
I shook a little. (SHOOKED XD)
"Y-you can check the messages now heh.." he said laughing a bit
"O-oh hahaha okay.." i said and got up with mini in my lap and us facing eachother
We stared at eachother for what seemed a minute.
His eyes.. so nice.. so beautiful
I see him lean in
Kiss me
I sat there in shock.. until i
Kissed back
We were just there kissing
We both stop and gasped for air
And stared at eachother noticing
Vanoss POV
I walk out of the room smirking knowing on wtf just happened
I go downstairs still with my shirt off and start to go through my phone, i hear footsteps down the stairs.. i looked at the corner of my eye and there he was, hiding behind the railing of the stairs and watching me shirtless i walk towards the stairs and i hear quickly steps up the stairs until i take a turn to go really up up stairs and then
"AGHH!!" Del said slipping and dropping his towel again he falls on top of me
"UH UH UH IM SORRY! I WAS JUST UHHH..." he said rambling for an excuse
"Shh its okay haha" i said laughing a bit
Del was very light.
"Well its okay i know you just wanted to see my body" i said squishing him more towards my body
"Ughahhhhh" he said getting squished
"Hahaha.. plus i saw what you were doin in the shower you little naughty boy" I said winking and smirking
His body got hot
"O-oh...." he says stuttering.
Mini POV
I sat there blushing looking like a god damn tomato
"Uh.. t-that was n-nice haha.. hahaha..." tyler said laughing it off..
"O-oh y-you l-liked i-it...?" I said stuttering like a dumbass
"Uhm.. it was unexpected.. but it was okay.. hahaa..." he said nervously
"Oh... you know.. you should really answer the text messages hahah" i said
"OH ALMOST FORGOT , hahah" he said
I get off him and he goes to answer the messages
"Uhh vanoss is curious where we at." He said
"Oh.. we should go hah" i said
"Yeah hahah.." he said
We both got ready and left to go to vanoss's house..
That was nice
I smirked

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