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Hey yall, just finna let you know to have a tab open for google translate UNLESS you know the languages (kind of) used in the book.

* this note was after i finished*
Bro you wouldnt believe how many words you bout to read LMAOO
Terrorizer POV
I wake up to look at Brock changing the channel beside me.
I stretch and look at him getting annoyed of the control not working right,
"Raise it," I say
"Oh Shut up." He says glaring at the tv angry.
I raise my eyebrows shocked that I'm only trying to help him.
"Jeez.." I say.
He raises it and the channel changes.
He blushes in embarrassment.
I inhale about to say something,
"That never happened." He says crossing his arms.
I laugh but then he smacks my shoulder,
"Oww, you didn't have to do that," I say
He stays quiet while watching the tv.
"You ready for the party?" I ask.
"I guess," he says
"Hm." I hum, I sit up and get up from the bed.
I go to the bathroom and take a shower before getting ready for the day.
Mini POV
I wake up and yawn.
I rub my eye, sit up and look beside me to see Tyler still asleep.
I smile and get out of the bed, I head over to the bathroom.
I brush my teeth and shower
—15 mins later—
I get out of the shower and dry myself, I change and brush my hair.
I open the door to see Tyler rubbing his eye while sitting on the bed.
"Good morning." I say.
"Good morning." He mumbles.
He stands up and stretches, he comes and gives me a warming hug.
We kiss and he then heads into the bathroom.
I blush thinking about us coming out..
My eyes widen.
Nogla POV
I wake up and stretch.
I sit up and look beside me to see Lui gone.
"Hm.." I hum suspiciously.
I get out of bed and head into the bathroom to shower and get ready.
-some minutes later-
I brush my hair and change, I head out and decide to go downstairs,
I hear some TV playing as I'm walking down the steps, I walk down and take a peek to see Lui on the couch with the dogs.
I sneak near the couch and see him still watching the tv and not noticing me right next to him.
I laugh quietly...
Basically POV
I hear a really loud scream and thump.
I sit up annoyed that someone just woke me up, I hear some movement beside me and I see Scotty sit up.
He rubs his eye, "what the fuck was that?" He asks.
"Was that you??"
"What?!- no!" I say
"Hmmm." He hums suspiciously.
I look at him annoyed that he was blaming me for screaming like a girl..
"Even though my screams can sound like that... IT WASNT MEEE!" I say.
"Okay.. okay.." He says raising his hands but puts them back down right after.
Delirious POV
I wake up from a loud girl scream.
I turn both ways noticing that Evan wasn't beside me.
(Lets be honest, its not only Marcel that screams like that ;)
I uncover myself and sit up to grab my phone, I tap it to see the time,
"Why'd I wake up so late?" I say while looking at my phone's screen say it was 4:12 pm.
I sigh getting out of the blankets and stepping on the cold carpet, getting warm right after. But either way, it sent chills up my spine.
I head over to the bathroom to take a warm shower, change, and get ready for the day.
I head out of the room, closing the door behind me really slow so I don't wake anyone else sleeping with a loud slam.
I head down hearing an argument,
"Why did you do that you bitch!!!" Lui says with a small voice crack.
Vanoss POV
I chuckle looking at nogla getting attacked by Lui.
The look on his face is too hilarious!
"I-I'm sorry!!!" Nogla says being for mercy.
Lui glares at him ready to do some hurtful move on him.
I turn about to head over to the kitchen until I see Delirious.
"Oh hey," I say while Lui is still kind of screaming at nogla in the background.
He looks behind me, shocked and confused.
I pass him heading back to the kitchen and I hear him follow right behind me.
"So um. What's with them?" Delirious says
I chuckle, "Well see that's a funny story... I was hanging out while sitting on the dining table with Lui and he decided to go watch a movie but I think he kind of fell asleep meanwhile watching it. And I see Nogla come down and sneak behind him ready to scare him and so... that results in him getting screamed at." I say grinning.
I open the fridge as I hear him chuckle.
I take out a cold water bottle and open it ready to take a sip.
"That's so sad," he says
I chuckle
"I know," I say.
Delirious takes out his phone, looking at the time.
"Hm.. arent we gonna take out the girls today?" He says
My eyes widen and I stop drinking.
I set the water bottle down, and wipe some waterdrops about to run down my chin.
"Oh shit," I say realizing what he just said was true.
"I forgot about them."
He chuckles.
"Well, we got an hour before we got to go get em." He says
"Yeah, I need to tell the others we cant stay to go to the party." I say heading for the stairs.
"Alright." I hear delirious get from kind of loud to quiet.
I walk up the steps and walk toward Brocks and Brians room.
I lean toward the door a bit and hear if they're awake.
I hear the tv playing and I decide to knock on the door.
"Come in." I hear a muffled voice say
I open the door to see brock sitting on the bed while watching tv, he waves
"Good evening." He says
"You too, Is brian awake?" I greet before asking.
"Yea, just that he's in the shower," Brock says looking toward the bathroom door.
"Oh, could you tell hi-"
The bathroom door opens and I see brian with a towel.
"Oh hey, Vanoss." He says
"Hey, I wanted to tell you—"
"You ready for the party?" He says
"—Uh.. about that... I cant. I have some errands with Delirious."
Brock sits up a bit at the corner of my eye, "What?!" He says putting his hands in the air in disappointment

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