Chapter One <3

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We finally got to the classroom for English I and all of the student's eyes turned toward me. I slowly walked in behind Karen and felt my cheeks get hot. I don't exactly love getting this much attention. Or any. The teacher introduced me to the class and I watched his mouth silently move, wondering what he was saying about me. My mind came up with a few things. "Everyone, this is Ari. She's deaf so you can say whatever you want about her as long as she doesn't read your lips." I cringed and walked to my seat after he finished talking- or should I say after his mouth stopped moving. I can read lips sometimes, but I still need to improve. Alot. My desk was in the back of the room and It had a plastic chair pulled up to it for Karen to sit on. English went by pretty quickly. Besides Karen's over-excited signing, It wasn't half bad. I actually like to write so English is usually fun for me. The rest of the day flew by and before I knew it, I was packing my bag to go home. I shut my locker and started forward, bumping head-on into someone. I rubbed my forehead with my eyes shut, knowing I would have a headache later on. When I finally opened my eyes, I was staring into the bright green eyes of an attractive stranger. I looked at his lips and saw that he was saying I'm sorry. I nodded my head and smiled, then continued walking until I got outside to the steps. I sat down on the first step and thought of the situation again. I thought of how bright green his eyes were and found myself smiling. I got up and shook my head. I can't develop a crush on anyone. No one would like a deaf girl.

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