Chapter 4 - The Capitol

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As the train comes to a stop, I see what looks to be tens of thousands of Capitol citizens. They are screaming and waving, so I decide to wave back. If at all possible they make more noise. As I wave, someone comes up behind me and says "You definitely know what you're doing." I turn around to see a man dressed in a tux. "Who are you?" I ask. "I'm your mentor, Leonardo. But you can call me Leo." So this is my mentor. At least he doesn't look as crazy as someone from the Capitol. I smile. Seeing that he could actually help me survive.



As we get off of the train, we are escorted by peacekeepers to a massive building. I guess this is where we prepare for the games. We walk to an elevator and Leo presses a button labled 12, for district 12. As we travel upwards Since we are from district 12, we get the top floor. Once we arrive at the top, 8 crazy Capitol people run up to us. Two come to me, and the rest go to the other tributes. They pull us into separate rooms and instantly get to work.

Leo comes in and tells us his idea for my outfit. "Since you are from district 12, I say we do something related to mines." Great. We are going to be miners.

What feels like hours later, the stylists finish. I look in rhe mirror. But I almost faint when I see what they did to me.

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