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Stella's POV;
"Hey get up you punk!" said Andrew, my 18 year old brother." Let me sleep for some more time dummy!" I replied.

Then came Edward, my 20 year old brother. He did the unthinkable. Well not exactly unthinkable but he did something bad.

He swept the curtains away and the sun shine coming in from them disturbed my sleep.

"Wakey wakey my sis", said the devil. Wait did I say devil no no I meant my brother Ed.

"Ugh okay okay I am getting up", I said with an irritated tone. I got up from my bed and threw my blanket and pillow on the two jerks standing in front of me.

I took my clothes and went in the bathroom. After taking my bath, I wore my clothes. I wore stripped blue jeans with a simple white shirt and blue sneakers. Then I went downstairs.

As soon as I entered the kitchen I was greeted by my mother. I greeted her back. Then I asked,"what's for breakfast?"

She said, "Pancakes". I just did my breakfast and in came my crazy friends. First came in Hazel. She gave me a high five and took the banana from the table."Hey Stella", said Daphne while coming in. "What's up?",said Rachel.

These are my three best friends. Well, we make a perfect crazy group. We are known in the school by the name of F4 (Flowers 4). We don't want to be popular but what can we do if people like us?

My friends and I are totally different from each other but still we carry on very well with each other. Hazel is the coolest of us all. She has calm and cool personality. She always makes us laugh even if we are in a bad situation.

Daphne is the most sensible in our group and is quite responsible. Rachel is our groups craziest member. She always have a big hand in forcing us to do crazy things. Well about myself my friends call me nerd. I love reading.

I prefer reading a novel in my house over going to a party. But my friends drag me to parties some times. I have quite a temper some times. I am good in studies.

We were just talking when my mum came in the kitchen. "Stella go clean your.....",she started to say but her eyes landed on my friends so she said,"Oh hello girls! How are you?" "We are fine Mrs Alfred!" my friends chorused like some four year old children.

My mother gave them a smile and the she said to me,
"Stella I think you should go clean your room." "Okay Mom", I said and went to my room. My friends followed me.

Daphne said looking at my room," Woa Stella! It is quite dirty." Rachel said," Yeah dude".
Hazel said," Were you fighting with someone during your sleep?".

At this all the girls chuckled. I glared at them and said, "Are you guys done laughing at me? Now could you help me clean the room or should I pick you our of my room?"

In about a hard work of twenty minutes thanks to my friends my room was clean. We went in the TV lounge. Me and Daphne sat on the couch and Hazel and Rachel sat on chairs. We started watching TV like old people.

After some time my father came home from his morning walk. He said coming in the lounge,
"Good morning ladies!" I went and kissed my dad on his cheek and then means my friends greeted him back. My dad then went to take a shower.

After about half hour Rachel said, "I am getting so bored!"
Hazel was on her phone. She looked up and said,"Well I got that sorted out!"
I asked her," What exactly are you thinking?"
She said with a shrug,"Nothing just going to a party".

No not again. Here goes my excuses again.
" Well I can't go", I said.
Rachel said, "And why is that?"
Daphne said, "Me and Stella have to go to library for searching for something. Right Stella?"
"Absolutely right!"I said.

Daphne came towards me and dragged me from there. She said in a loud tone for Hazel and Rachel yo hear," We are getting late. We have to go".

When we got out of the house, we both practically ran to my car.i hurriedly started the car and took out of the house. After making sure that we won't be followed, we both begin laughing.

I said between my laughs," an....escape".
Daphne said," We both ran from there like our lives depended on it". At this we both aging laughing again.

Then Daphne asked," Now where will we go?"
"Let's go to Granny's house!", we both said together.

She is a very sweet woman. She is not really our granny but she was my Grandma's best friend. My grandma died so she is like my grandma now.

I turned my car towards her house. We arrived at her house in about fifteen minutes.
We got out of the car and went there. We knocked on the door but no one answered.

Daphne said what I was thinking. She said,"I think she is not at home".

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2018 ⏰

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