You have me wrapped around your finger, do you have to let it linger?

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"'Look, Tre. These past couple years have been an experience for me. Meeting you and being with you, it's amazing how everything can change so fast. Just...I don't know. We've been separate for so long and I only remember past you, not the new you. I moved on Tre and you need to understand it.'

'So...what does this mean? Y-you can't do this Billie-'

'I...I don't love you anymore Tre. I'm sorry, but goodbye.'

'W-w-wait....' I stammer, 'one last kiss, please...'"

I planted my lips on his As he gave in, making it a little deeper but after a few seconds he quickly pulled away.

My heart stopped in my throat and he walked out from under the tree by the sunset as it began to grow darker and darker. He wiped his eye and left sight around the corner. I put my head in my hands and walked the opposite way. I should've seen it coming...

Tre's POV (hours before)

I quickly grabbed my keys and headed to Christie road. The drum set has been there covered with a sheet. I know Billie is with Garett right now probably going to his favorite yogurt place or something, and the gay boy like me is sitting at his drum set getting his mind off things. Mike went on vacation with a friend of his, Jimmy is just an asshole, and I'm all alone. But I remembered....


'Where the fuck is the money?'
The voice rang in my mind.

Shit shit shit, where am i gonna get the money? For him?

I panicked and got up pacing around the couch. I grabbed my keys and raced home to find the safe in the basement holding at least $2000 for my college money but hell, my dad and I both know we won't be needing it any time soon.

But where was the money?

I stomped upstairs and the clock hit 5:00 pm. Just in seven hours I had to get the money for my drug dealing. The I.O.U.

If I don't have it by tonight my face will be pounded in or worse, I'll be dead.

Fuck it, I don't have time to get the money, or even know where. It's not like he will trace me down and kill me that way anyways.

After about an hour my phone rings,

Billies contact number pops up and it's a picture of us two kissing. I quickly answer it and before I could even say something like "hey what's up" he immediately croaks in a dark voice "meet up at the park. The 40 minute drive one, not the 10. Be there by seven." The phone quickly hung up and I raced to get my shoes back on, running out the door.

I was there by seven and waited. His small body came walking around the corner as I smiled standing up.

He didn't look too happy.

The sun was close to setting and I watched him keep his hands in his pockets while slightly rocking back and forth.

Then I heard it.

"Look, Tre. These past couple years have been an experience for me. Meeting you and being with you, it's amazing how everything can change so fast. Just...I don't know. We've been separate for so long and I only remember past you, not the new you. I moved on Tre and you need to understand it."

"So...what does this mean? Y-you can't do this Billie-"

"I...I don't love you anymore Tre. I'm sorry, but goodbye."

"W-w-wait...."I stammer, "one last kiss, please..."

I planted my lips on his As he gave in, making it a little deeper but after a few seconds he quickly pulled away.

My heart stopped in my throat and he walked out from under the tree by the sunset as it began to grow darker and darker. He wiped his eye and left sight around the corner. I put my head in my hands and walked the opposite way. I should've seen it coming...

How could have I been so stupid? How did I fuck it up?

I don't care if he heard me, he was walking away from a close corner.

Billies POV

"What the fuck is wrong with me" he said out loud to himself. "Now my best friend is gone because of me."

I looked down about to cry and ran to the car where Garrett was. The cigarette in his mouth puffed smokes as I held my hand out for it. He handed it to me.

"That must've been tough, bill. I'm so sorry shit turned out this way." He looked at me.

I went for it, what I've wanted to do for awhile.

I kissed him.

When I pulled back he looked shocked, but after that I brought him into a tight hug. He was taller than Tre, he was really tall actually, 6'5. I got up on my toes and hung my arms around his neck crying. All I hear is Tre in the quiet moment walking to his car. He blasts music when he's pissed off, and I'm sure you could hear his music from even two streets down. Hell, he played it loud.

Tres POV

"Fucking asshole." I murmured to myself while blasting music. I hope he has fun with his boyfriend. After 10 minutes it was black outside, the stars were shining and the moon glimmered by the waters. I drove for awhile and it felt like circles. The drugs I took kicked in pretty well and eventually I stopped at Christie road and sat on the couch grabbing a beer. Getting drunk was easy, getting stoned was easy, fixing someone was hard.

My sight started to blur, everything was blurry and muffling through my ears.

I didn't know who it was, I was so jacked up on shit to even realize it, but a figure popped up in front of me.

And that figure wasn't too thin or small.

He was big and buff with two other guys.

Well fuck, I guess I have nothing to live for, I'm pretty ugly I guess so I guess him fucking my face up isn't a damn problem.


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