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A camera focused on a smartly dressed woman dressed in a pantsuit. Glasses  created a frame around her eyes, hiding your eyebrows ever-so-slightly. A scarf was wrapped tightly around her neck. One hand was pulling her coat close to her chest, keeping the cold from getting in. She held a microphone in her other hand, placed just below where her neck met her chest.

"A young woman has been found dead in her apartment." Her voice was monotonous, yet had a slight infliction every few words. It was impersonal, yet still held a certain amount of sympathy. "She was found with several wounds covering her arms and legs that have been determined to be self-inflicted."

A neighbour had found her when the smell of her rotting corpse wandered into the landing that separated the apartments. They did not know how long she had been there. No one had reported her missing.

"Officials claim that she starved to death, even though there was food located on the premises. No family members have come to forward as of yet. Police are urging anyone that knows this woman to speak up." The woman stared straight into the lens of the camera, her grey eyes piercing through to the souls of anyone watching the news.

"This unusual case has stumped investigators, who are unable to believe that a person would be able to allow themselves to starve on their own accord. Whether this unfortunate event can be put down to foul play or not, we are still uncertain. One thing is for sure; this will be a hard case to solve."

The left corner of the woman's lips quirked up ever so slightly.

"Back to you in the studio."

The camera was switched off and lowered, along with the woman's microphone. She looked over her shoulder at the tall block of flats that towered far above her, then lowered her gaze to the smattering of police cars that crowded haphazardly around the base.   

"What do you think happened?" The woman swung around to face her cameraman; the person who had asked the question.

"Oh, heavens knows. It's not my job to figure out. Probably did it to herself." She raised her arms slightly as she said this. Her cameraman nodded. "Come on, let's get a coffee, my treat. I need to get out of this cold." She let out a laugh.

The two turned on the pavement, Heading towards the coffee shop located down the street. The newswoman didn't see the person coming in the opposite direction, accidentally bumping shoulders with the stranger.

"Oh, I'm sorry," she apologised.

She didn't receive a reply. Instead, a pair of strikingly green eyes latched onto her grey ones. The stranger then kept on walking.

"He must be cold." She mused to her companion when the stranger was out of earshot.

For all he was wearing was an old, red shirt and some tattered, dirty jeans.

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