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“If you’re doing anything hanky panky I’m going to make you clean the toilets with your tooth brush.” I hear Jon yell downstairs, waking me from my nap. I roll over and kiss Michael awake then go to wake Micha.

 Micha is already awake when I walk in. “What’s with the yelling?” He asked rubbing his eyes.

“Daddy is just yelling for us to come help with the groceries.” Micha looks confused. “Jon is daddy and Tristan is dad or pops.”  His mouth forms an “O”. “You can call them by their name just don’t call them mister they hate that.” I tell him while smiling and getting off the bed. I see a slow smile come over his face.

I pull him downstairs to help with the groceries. We have them put up in no time. I see Tristan carrying a few electronic bags and a smile. There they go, being generous again. He handed the bags to Micha and told him to go play. Micha looked in the bag and got a big smile on his face. He surprised us all and pulled Tristan into a hug. “Thank you.” He kept saying over again. “How did you know what I wanted?” He asked.

“We found the envelopes you had hidden and saw what they were for. We wanted to give you a welcome to the family gift. I also had them add a few accounting software on there for you.”

Micha had tears in his eyes as he hugged him and Jon again. “I’ll repay you as soon as…”

“Absolutely not,” Jon yelled, “You’re our son now; consider it for all the birthdays we missed.” Jon said stomping his foot, like a two year old.

I patted Micha on the shoulder. “I tried that already just give in.”

 Micha smiles after thinking for a few seconds. “I will do your taxes for the next fifteen years.”

Jon laughs. “Fine, I hate doing them anyways.” I can tell they are going to get along well.

Noah’s head pops in the back door. “Hello, second family.” He says while coming in. We all say hey back. I notice Micha standing out of sight behind me... Or trying to.

I grab his hand and pull him to the living room. “What’s wrong?”

Micha looks out the window. “I’m just a little scared about how Noah will react to me.” I rub his back. “I understand if you want to run and hide. I won’t stop you, but know this; if you let it control you it will control you for the rest of your life.” I say, forcing him to look at me. He can tell I am telling the truth.

“That’s right.” Micha’s head pops up at the sound of Noah’s voice. Noah looks him straight in the eyes. “Alex, please let me talk to him alone.” Noah says his eyes never leaving Micha. I think Noah can handle him now. I stop next to Noah and tell him not to push too hard. Noah nods his head.

I go back to the kitchen. “The kids okay?” Michael says pulling me into his arms.

“I think they will be.” I mumble while kissing him. He kissed me back and said he had to go to work. After he left I snuck back to the living room to check on them. Noah had his arms wrapped around Micha. I smile and went to help Jon with supper. Micha and Noah will be just fine.

On Thursday my caseworker came to visit to find out how everything was going. Of course Michael and I were in a fight at the time. “Alex, come here!” I hear Jon yell.

“Yes daddy.” I say coming in the living room. “Hey, Mrs. Washington.” I say when I notice her.

“Hey Alex, I just stopped by to see how things were going.”

I get excited. “It’s going great.” I tell her about almost everything.

“I know about Micha. I’m his new caseworker. Is he here?”

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